Saturday, December 19, 2020

Yoga, clean and beach

I was up just before the alarm went off.  I had not gotten to bed early, but I did look at a picture of Dad on the tricycle at a park parade (I assume ).  I thought, if Dad could be in a parade ... I should try to organize a part of the parade on Sunday.  As we drove to Yoga, I asked Gail and Joyce if they would be up for it.  SO here we go... Hopefully we can pull it off.  Denny cleaned while we were shopping at Dollar Tree and  brain storming. 

Denny will be Santa driving a decorated tricycle and hopefully we will have 4-9 reindeer, with Brad as Rudolf and Gail, Bruce, Mert, Joyce and me as reindeer with branch anthers.  We'll see .. 

Denny and Went to the beach at S Padre from 2-6.  So nice.  There were about 6-10 people surf boarding.  So fun to watch them and Denny worked on a video of the SN8 launch.  Great day!!

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