Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Gave blood

Gail and I left about 8:15 to go to Harlingen to give blood.   We called yesterday for an appointment.  The name of the place was Vitalant.  At first she gal said ladies must have a hemoglobin count of 12.5 before they could donate blood.  my right finger had 12.3 , but my left had 13.0, so I could donate blood.  She said she didn't know why different hands gave different readings.  All went smoothly, and Gail and I headed home with one stop at the Minnesota street thrift store.  When we got home Denny had been washing windows and it looked great!!!  I planted the few living ranunculus and some gladiola bulbs in a couple of pots with old dirt.  I talked to Missy and she needed a glue gun.  Brooks was making a costume for the last week of school contest.  The topic is nativity characters.  I think it turned out pretty cute. What a creative little guy!

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