Thursday, August 18, 2022

49 years

I lay beside Denny for a while and then decided to get up and have devo. In the am went to Doses. I gave Julie P. a call and she joined us for coffee on the bunkhouse rockers. I weeded the flower garden, Denny cleaned the '72 in preparation of the Kiron fixing. Susan, Teresa, Sharon, Judy, Oksanna and Mary Kay came to study. Jenny H. texted us to ask if we would take meat to Matt's. She said she would come early evening and so we put off grilling until after she came. Well, her day got complicated and she decided not to come until tomorrow. The Tbone steaks and sinach/arugala salad were wonderful. We shared the cake from Oksanna. Pretty night with candles, nice music and my husband.

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