Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday the 9th

 I volunteered at OGT this morning.  Around 9ish a group from north of here came and I decided to make some space for them and cleared off my table. I went to the Farmacy to get my vases.  Susan and Rose were there.  What a fun surprise to have coffee with them.  I left about 10:30 and put in another 30 minutes at OGT.  At home I got ready for Larson's to put together flowers for Farm to table.  Kathy, Danna, Chelsey, and Heide came out around 2.  We filled about 110 vases with flowers to go down the center of the 2 long tables.  Six tables that are 12 feet long in each of the rows.  When we were done we rocked and had lemonade on the porch.  

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