Saturday, August 13, 2022

Home until we went for parts for 72.

 It was a slow go this am.  I was still in bed when we had the sister call.  I spent most of the day doing projects that have gotten way layed.  I put down/ pickle sun flowers that were not too buggy.  plays cosmos, zinnias, lisianthus, status, in other words you name it I cut it and put in the cooler.   I painted some cement blocks to keep plants from falling over.  I painted head board for bunk house upstairs.  Denny worked on the brakes on the car.  About 4 we headed to Denison to get some parts for the 72L. and the airbnb guest called dining lost on the country roads.  Uffda!!  I don't know if they will stay tonight ... or head to Lemars.  Whatever.  I started to fix orange chicken, we'll eat it later.  I put some pictures together this am while I was still in bed,  It looks like Scott had quite an art display last night.


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