Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Cherokee fun

I got to Cherokee about 7:30. I texted Jan who was at the Wellness Center, so about 8:30 I went to play pickleball. Jan walked around theh track with Tyler. After playing with kicking the ball around the track we got a donut at Caseys. Jan invited us to coffee at Mud on Main. When we got home Tyler went down right away for a nap. I took some of Mandy's seasoned meat and made 2 pans of Enchladas. I had to wake up Tyler to go and get Jack. I gave Jack a choice park of G'ma Jands. No hesitation, we went to Jans. The boys played so nicely. Mandy came home from and I had enough time to stop Christina's flowers area and I left her some flowers. I also took the time to drop off a donation at New Leaf. It was fun to lead Awana Games. There were 20 clubbers there last week and this week there were about 24.

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