Thursday, September 15, 2022

Travel home by way of Miss Effies and Barn Happy

Jan and I left about 8:30. Before we headed to Miss Effies we backtracked alittle to get gas. Everyone is just more comfortable with a full tank. Jan was alergic to Miss Effies many cats, so we did a quick walk around. As long as we were making side trips Jan suggested we stop at the Barn Happy. It worked out great for a late lunch. It was really a cute place and I loved the food, even though they kept trying to take away my plate that had just a smidgen of wonderful Crab salad. I guess I really didn't need to finish off my raspberry lemonaide and that last delicious bite of crab salad that I was trying to save. We got to Holstein about 4:45. T'was nice to visit friends and nice to be home.

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