Monday, September 12, 2022

Denny and Carpal Tunnel surgery

We were driving into town at 7:45. Denny had blood drawn before Dr. Bissel did surgery. I waited in the hospital and went to sit with Denny for a while before he went in to surgery. Then I went to play pickle ball. There were 8 of us there, so we did a lot of good playing. They gave me a call from the hospital and I went back to be with Denny as he came out of recovery. Dr. Bissel had called to say the surgery went well. We came home I and fixed Denny breakfast, then we rested and napped, BUT THOSE PESTY FLIES WERE BRUTAL!!! Oh, ya, .... As I ws listeneing to DAB in the sunroom I spilled my coffee on the bright clean carpet. UFFDA!!! Now that just saddened me. My life. Sometimes it is a spilled dirty disaster. UFFDA!!! The night at home was uneventful.

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