Sunday, September 18, 2022

Wonderful brunch before heading south

I stayed in bed until 7:30 and then at 8 headed out the door. Matt and Kane are a church 1 week a month to serve coffee to both services. Nice church service. Becky had ingredients for Blackstone omlets. YUM!!! Haley and Wyatt came home from camping in Wisconsin in time for Brunch. We left for home about 1:30. To know men who set aside their hobbies, extra sleep, work or just relaxing to get up and get their families to church is an honor. God is pleased, so pleased, with the man who doesn't take his responsibility of caring for his and his family's souls lightly. To know those men is an honor. To worship alongside them is a gift. To be married and love a man like this is an indescribable privilege. Keep fighting the good fight men, not for tradition or status, but because it's a fight worthy of this life and one that matters in eternity. Shawna Leonard

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