Tuesday, September 6, 2022


I got up and had devo before heading to IG for OGT. From there I played pickleball from 8:30- 9:30. After OGT I got sandwiches and set a picnic table at the city park. I went to the court house and waited for Elizabeth to be done. Then we went and ate lunch at the park. It was sweet to visit with her. When I got home I took a nap and then Denny had me help him fix the lawn mower. WOW!! We finally got it done. Now it wasn't the safest according to me. Look at the tires that were on blocks of wood. Uffda!! It seemed to me that it could easily fall. Thank You, Jesus for safety. Later in the afternoon I put 9 bunches of flowers together and cleaned the kitchen ... no small feat!!

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