Friday, September 16, 2022

Off to Zimmerman

I didn't think Doses was open, so I stayed home and we left about 9 for Zimmerman. Denny drove by way of interstate 35 N. We got to Matt's about 2:45. Ha'ey was leaving for camping. TJ suited for a varsity football game at 6. The score was 42 to 0 at halftime, so TJ played most of the second half. It was great to watch, he played both defensive and offence. He made one successful carry and one tackle, plus being "in" the game all the time. Fun to watch!!! He went to an after game suspper at one of the player's homes. The team does that after every home game. PLus they have fireworks after every touchdone and completed extra point Kick, so we saw a lot of fireworks. SO FUN!! Nice visit with Matt and bEcky before going to bed.

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