Saturday, April 29, 2023

Aby's shower

 I was up to make bread ... but no yeast.  Uffda!!  When we had our sister phone call Jack came out of the bedroom, little after that Denny and Tyler were up.  The day is chilly still.  I headed to Arthur with flowers for the shower.  There was a great turn out..... 30+ .  The salads were great.  When I found out her colors were dark green and brown I used some fabric I had under the wood slabs from Paulsruds with clear vases of tulips and pussy willows.  I headed for home, took a quick nap and then we took the boys back to their home. Denny paid the boys a dollar and 50 rupees for iron/ pieces they dug/ picked up in the camp ground.   Denny helped take off the dry wall in the basement for Thrashers to come and do When Jason ordered chicken from the Family Table the boys and I went and picked it up ... after a short stop at the school playground.  Denny was using his chainsaw to cut up a fallen tree when we got back.  We ate and headed home about 8.  Another nice day!!

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