Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Happy birthday Phillip!!!

Hope your day was great, Phillip!  We are slo blessed by your presence in out lives.  And I know there are a multitude of others that feel the same way!!  Thank you, Jesus.

Scottago for supper

I played pickle ball in the morning and was realizing how fortunate it is just to get on my bike at 5 to 8am and ride down to play for 1-2 hours.  Denny and I started packing.  We made a trip to SPI to get a wind sock for the IG pickle ball courts.  Then we went to the coast and I said farewell to the beach.  We walked a while and then found a bench and sat and watched the waves.  So pretty and relaxing.  At home we headed to the pool to wash the sand off.  I invited Hendersons and Bennetts and Meg joined us for leftover frozen veggies and corndogs.  It is good to clean out the refrigerator.  Pack some more before bed. 


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