Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Johnsons head north to Minnesota

I took coffee to 603 and then when Kane finished his cereal we headed to play pool.  Instead we played pickleball, then pool.  I made som guacamole and we sat on deck,  enjoyed the weather and avocados.  We headed to La Playa in Harlengen to eat Mexican before their flight left at 1:40.  When we got home I took a nap.  Then I went to #603 to help Denny finish cleaning.  He cleaned sand from beach items from # 400 and we returned them.  Next to Walmart for coffee and modpog.  At home we watched TV.  Sherry found house in Rickets that she wants to get instead of the one she put a $1000 earnest money in.  Lord, be with her and guide her.  


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