Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Me and the Cherokee boys

I was up and checking my plants with the rain last night.  I think they will be ok.  They seemed little saggy yesterday and I lifted out the trays to give a little more air to the plants, thinking they were over watered before the ride to Iowa and maybe they needed to get some drying air all around the plants.  Tyler and I took Jack to school, then pickleball at the wellness center until 10:30.  A couple of thrift stores and then home to play with bubbles, shakers and lunch before a nap.  Mandy is working from home so she stopped in the kitchen to say Hi before heading back to a one o'clock appointment.   After naps Tyler and I picked up Jack from Good News Club after school.   Then to the school playground and then to the art show.  I stopped at Christina's flowers before heading home.  It was rainy and hail was falling.   Denny, Sam, and I sat and watched.  Sherry came home with a pig she picked up on the middle of the road near Henningsons.  They came and got it.  We sat in the sunroom watching the weather until it subsided.  Denny grill pork rib eyes for supper.

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