Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter He is Risen indeed!!

  When I got up I made potatoes and cherry dessert for the 4 seasons Easter meal.  We went to the Christ Church of the Valley. The service went late, but I was just a little late for pickleball at 12. We played for an hour.  At home I read Craig's letters from his time in the service.  Then I did another spray of acrylic on the front side of the magnolia leaves.  Easter meal was great, a nice bunch of people who are like a family to us with wonderful food.  I got rid of the 1 1/2 bags of frozen tater tots and 1 1/2 cans of pie filling.  We visited at Bennett's, then I went home to get a phone call on the deck with Naomi, Bec and Kathy.  It's fun to make plans for the wedding.  We watched tv at night.  I'm reading Craig's letters from Vietnam.

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