Friday, April 7, 2023

Modpodge More Magnolias

 Mary H and I went to the thrift store around 6.  I got Denny a couple pair of blue jeans shorts.  I stopped at Walmart to get some manilla folders to send to the kids with Honor cards. Hurrah!!! They are sent off.   I watched several you tubes on moding magnolia leaves and so I did some more.  Total 300.  On this batch I"ll put a second layer of modg on before the acrylic spray.  Denny started wiping out all the cupboards,  I joined him in the sink and pots and pan area.  Rainy day.  Not chilly. but gray.  We were inside most of the day.  Denny researched more on the septic job he has planned for this summer.  I sat and watched the MP dry.  

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