Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Happy Birthday Evan!!!!

 Happy Birthday, Evan!! Hope you had a great day!!!  We loved spending time with you this December and seeing you living your life.  May you use it for God's glory always and ALL WAYS!!!

I sent Evan a birthday greeting last night before I went to bed.  Nice coffee morning.  I went to pickleball and then mailed the cards for C.  Plus got a few groceries and some Preen at Bomgaars.  At home I planted the 50 lilies for $50 and put on some Preen, but didn't get it watered in. There was some asparagus I picked and burnt:(.   At home at 2pm  the Leaf Filter guy came to finish up the installment.  After they left I went to visit Brenda and talk to her about yard work she would like done before the wedding.   I put out the sedum plants I got along the south bunkhouse foundation and fixed hamburgers for supper.  Denny put in 10 hours for Larsons today.

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