Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Happy Birthday Missy!!!!

My dearest Missy.  You have added joy to our lives from the very first moment we knew about you and every single moment until now and continuing forever.    You are a blessing to our lives and we thank God for you everyday.  

 Denny went to drive tractor for Larson's.  I went to play PB and then headed north. I got a Dipladenia (Mandevillia $35) at Kelli's.  Then I headed to Cherokee.  Ellen did my nails at 3.  I went to Mandy's and then I took her to a chiro appointment and went to pick up Tyler at Day care and Jack at school.  We played at the school until Mandy came with the car key.  Tyler spilled juice on his shirt.  I left and headed home. Hurrah as I dumped a load into the washing machine ... my apple watch fell on the floor.  Thank you, Jesus, it didn't fall into the washer.   Denny worked late.  

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