Tuesday, October 31, 2023

At home

Deep breath.   Sweet to be home.  Denny left to work for Larsons.  I headed to Orphan grain train.  I appreciate all the folks that volunteer there.  At home I unpacked.  IT IS COLD!!!!  I found out when I took out the rotten produce: watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, cukes,  I roasted squash, cabbage, onions, and made some tomato soup and Jalipinio  poppers.  I vacuumed, and unpacked, but that's about it.  Now I'm watching the interview with Speaker Mike Johnson.  Lord, we need your help, wisdom,  I pray for our nation.  Picture April 7 2022  Sweet memories.  

Monday, October 30, 2023

Heading home

 I was up at 4:30,  Toshi snuck in as we were in our bedroom packing, etc.  We left and arrived around 5:30. I flew Alaska Airlines.  I went thru TSA easily and  sat and waited til my flight at 7:30.  I called Denny when I was down in the pick up area.  We drove home with me talking all the way.  There was lots to tell Denny.  We just hung around our home.  T'was good to be home and with Denny.  Thank you, Lynn for paying my fight back home for road tripping with her so she had help driving 24 hours to Seattle.  

Sunday, October 29, 2023


 Nice slow morning.  We drove to Lisa'a to pick up Lynn.  It was a really nice service  with about 300 in attendance.  It made me smile how God makes my day.  When we came in to church  there were some people putting the lines in an area for 3 pickle ball courts.  Just what I was hoping for ... PIckleball.  and I didn't bring my shoes.  Uffda!!!  Well, it was a possibility.  And it made me smile, because God was thinking of me.   But I didn't know to bring my shoes.  :)   We ate a lunch that we had packed sat the church's ministry building.  Then we went to thrift stores and out for pizza.  Lynn left for the train to take her to the red eye flight to New York.  Joy and I watched The Suits, a drama movie on TV.  Uffda!!!  


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Woke up in a tiny house

The sister call came at 5:15 Washington time.   I just listened, because I was in bed at the tiny house and it was only 5:15.  I didn't want to wake up Joy.  Dana stopped over to say Hi!  We walked around the acreage and watched Josh shoe some horses.  Then we looked at leather bags/ jewelry/ cup sleeves that Dana had made.  We went to Lee and Barb's for a muffin, then Dana and Andie stopped by to visit.  We headed to Chuckanut road that is a beautiful drive high along the sound.  We stopped and shopped.  I got BBQ for supper.  We got food at Trader Joes.  Kent came over for supper.  Another good day!!!

Friday, October 27, 2023

1 1/2 hour north

Joy once again tried her cream beater ... the version from the Japanese dollar store perhaps is not a useful as the one she uses at home.  I finished off my onion rings and rueben sandwich as breakfast that I normally don't have.  We headed to the wrong Goodwill, it did not have the little cowboy boots that she was wanting for Casey.  We stopped at a thrift store in Mount Vernon, and a shop for Joy and a gift tasting store for me.  At the next town we stopped at Whatcom Falls.  Very pretty waterfalls and we ate salad and soup at Olive Garden.  SO Good.  We shopped little more and got to Mark's cousin, Lee and Barbs around 4.  Good to visit with them.  Lee spent high school summers at Marc's dad Jim's farm helping with farming.  Barb served us spaghetti and salad and french bread.  AND cake and ice cream for dessert.  We went to their daughter, Dana and Josh, who had a tiny house on their farm.  SO NIICE!! Josh's mom had it put in to live at their acreage and then married and moved away.  It was for our gain:)  Kinda chilly in it, but SO nice.  Another great day!!!  

 As some of you young people are dreading going to your grandparents house because you want to be with your friends, let me tell you this and believe it or not. There will come a day when you would give anything to be sitting at that table eating and listening to all the corny stories they are telling. You want to run with those friends instead of sitting with the best friends you will ever have. The ones who will always have your back. One day you won't have that table to sit and you will certainly miss it. So if you still have that family, suck it up and do it because as you get older, that will be the most treasured days of your life!  Blessings!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Explore downtown

Up for devo @6:15.    I stayed in bed and worked on collages,  Fun for me to make some pictures of the Sui family.  We drove down to Westin Hotel with Lynn.  She got an upgrade and is on the 45th out of 47 floor. Joy and I started out about 11.  First stop was the Dahlia Bakery for renown coconut cream pie.  T'was good.  Then we meandered down to Pike Market area.  T'was fun to walk thru and look at all the wares on sale.  The flowers were amazing!!!  We were close to fish throwers, and we could hear the shouting when they threw fish, and I did see a fish flying thru the air, but we were not up close and personal.  We ate Russian polusky out on the patio overlooking the sound.  We walked by gum wall.  We bought 2 small pictures.  I got chowder and Joy bought an Italian sandwich.  It was about 2:30 and we tried to figure out what to do next.  We brainstormed and Joy figured out how to take a bus to the Space Needle and Chihuly art.  WE Did BoTH!! It was really amazing and fun!! to see everything from the high up.  We stayed at the space needle for a couple hours. Lynn and her working partner, Danelle walked down to join us and we ate at Dive diner.  We walked to the glass garden.  It was amazing!!! So pretty.  Joy and I went back to their apartment for the night. 


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Settled into Seattle

Foolishly I started a load of wash before going to bed, thinking when I got up to use the rr I would put the clothes in the dryer.  Uffda!! the dryer kept going and going and going...  Woke up Joy.  Around noon Lynn and Toshi came, we went out for Tokeo food, the Trader Joes, Good will, Japan dollar store, then to Lisa and Daryl's for supper.  Lovely time,

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Over the snow covered pass

 We left early thirty ... Like ... we left at 5 because snow was forecast over the pass we were traveling thru one the way to Seattle.  SO we started at 5 instead of 8 am.  One super thing was we met Rita and Mike at 7 am their time at a Yes gas station.  SO nice to give friends a hug.  They are doing well, helping with their son's E Free church.  Putting in a park model mobile home and doing the ground work, septic system, and leveling the area.  I drove the first leg, Joy the second, and Lynn drove over the pass.  We got to Lisa'a about 12:30.  Lynn was so happy to give her pregnant girl a hug!!  Nice home for them.  The airbnb that Lynn and Toshi are staying is just a couple miles from Lisa's.  We unpacked, regrouped and headed to Lamb and company @ Snohomish.  Nancy and I had just watched the show Unsellable houses at Madison and it is one of Joy's favorite shows.  So off we went. The town had many shops that we wandered thru.  Then we stopped to get groceries.  Back at the apartment we had cheese and crackers and an omelet and toast.  We tried to mirror screen, or watch tv with no success.  Toshi stopped over and they went to Lisa'a for the night.  I started laundry, put it in the dryer when I got up to use the rr, and the dryer ran off and on all night,  UFFDA!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Thru the Big Horns

Up and out by 7:10 with a full tank of gas.  I drove, Joy had a migraine and the map was on Lynn's phone. We stopped 3 hours into the drive and switched drivers.  At 12:30 we arrived at Joanne's and Nobel's log cabin.  "Western Dreams & Fishing Streams" on airbnb.  Such a pretty place near Clark, Wyoming.  We headed out after a nice lunch of lasagne, salad, and apple crisp.   On to Missoula@3.   Joy drove most of the way in the dark.   We checked into our airbnb "Home in Missoula" and then went to the Gild for supper.  SUCH GOOD MEXICAN!!!  This Missoula looks like a fun town.  The streets were lined with trees and the streets were filled with leaves.  I wonder if the city disposes of leaves like they do snow removal.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

On the road

I was up and ready to go when Lynn came to get me at 8.  We are making plans for the rest of the trip as we travel.  We picked up Joy at Josh's and on the road we went.  Mainly driving and driving.  We decided to stop at a General Store, had some samples, walked the streets in Hill City.  The longest part of the trip was the 20 plus miles of gravel that Joy got the privilege of driving.  We got to our airbnb at Sundance  "Home in Sundance" "Historic Stay Inn" and found a place/bar  that we could get something to eat.   Most places are closed for Sunday.  The waitress said, "Yes, she could fix us something ... BUT a guy there was having a birthday and we could help ourselves to the chili they brought to celebrate.  So we did.  What a treat. We met the guy, and the chili maker, who also served us German Chocolate cake.  She was a fun gal.  Fun night, lotsa laughs.  Our airbnb was the upstairs of a VFW Hall that has been remade into an airbnb.  We each had our own bedroom.  It worked well.  



Saturday, October 21, 2023


FuN DAY!!!   Denny was up earlier with the boys.  He left to go mow.  It was chilly, so the boys played inside while I cleaned the airbnb.  When it was cleaned we went outside and they were a great help with all I was doing.  Jack was happy to crawl under the wire support and use the clippers and cut off the dahlia plant.   Tyler helped put the plants in the wagon to haul away.  Jack had lost his yellow jewel and they took the clippers to cut the morning glory vine and Tyler FOUND it.   It made his day.  (Note, Jack lost the jewel later when we were at Moorhead.)  I was tilling the garden and the boys had talked about the vegetables they had picked and were making something.  I had thought I should check on the boys who had been playing so well all the time they had been here.  Well, within the next 20 minutes Tyler came to me screaming.    Oh, my,  Tyler's mouth hurt.  Jack's nose hurt.  They told me something squirted out.  AND cry they did.   Finally I figured out they had picked red jalepino's to add to the tomatoes, cukes and squash mix, something must have squirted and they touched their faces, something somehow.  Only treatment/ cure was rubbing face on plastic icepack  AND watching veggie tale VCR in the cabin.  Then taking a long hot bath (while holding plastic icepack against lips/ nose) BUT after the bath they were okay to go to IG before the hike at Moorehead.  Luke brought Rose and Lincoln and we walked the trail, and had treats in the conservation building.  A praise was that when we took Tyler's coupon to Brownie's the sweet gal gave us not one ice cream and 3 spoons, but 3 ice cream bowls and 3 spoons.  We got subway cookies with Jack and my gift coupons.    When we got home the Ohio hunters were there, but we didn't talk to them.  Denny had just gotten back from mowing and the boys had lots to tell Denny about.  



 Show this one to the kids..... A young man went to seek an important position at a large Landscaping company. He passed the initial interview and was going to meet the director for the final interview. The director saw his resume, it was excellent. And asked,'    "Have you received a scholarship for school?" The boy replied, "No".    'It was your father who paid for your studies? '' Yes.' He replied.     'Where does your father work? ' 'My father is a Farmer' and landscapes for  fun.    The Director asked the young man to show him his hands.   The young man showed a pair of hands soft and perfect.    'Have you ever helped your parents at their job? '    'Never, my parents always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, he can do the job better than me.     The director said:    'I have got a request: When you go home today, go and wash the hands of your father and then come see me tomorrow morning.'     The young man felt his chance to get the job was high.     When he returned to his house he asked his father if he would allow him to wash his hands.    His father felt strange, happy, but with mixed feelings and showed his hands to his son. The young man washed his hands, little by little. It was the first time that he noticed his father's hands were wrinkled an     they had so many scars. Some bruises were so painful that his skin shuddered when he touched them.     This was the first time that the young man recognized what it meant for this pair of hands to work every day to be able to pay for his studies. The bruises on the hands were the price that his father payed for his education, his school activities and his future.    After cleaning his father's hands the young man stood in silence and began to tidy and clean up the workshop. That night, father and son talked for a long time.The next morning, the young man went to the office of the director     The Director noticed the tears in the eyes of the young man when He asked him,     'Can you tell me what you did and what you learned yesterday at your house?     The boy replied: 'I washed my father's hands and when I finished I stayed and cleaned his workshop.'     'Now I know what it is to appreciate and recognize that without my parents, I would not be who I am today. By helping my father I now realize how difficult and hard it is to do something on my own. I have come to appreciate the importance and the value in helping my family.     The director said, "This is what I look for in my people. I want to hire someone who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the hardship others go through to accomplish things, and a person who realizes that  money is not his only goal in life".     'You are hired'.    A child that has been coddled, protected and given everything he or she wants, develops a mentality of "I have the right" and will always put himself or herself  first, ignoring the efforts of parents, family and friends. If we are this type of protective parent are we really showing love or are we helping to destroy our children?    You can give your child their own room in a big house, good food, a computer, tablet, cell phone, and a big screen TV, but when you're washing the floor or painting a wall, children need to experience that too.     After eating, have them wash the dishes with their brothers and sisters, let them fold laundry or cook with you, pull weeds or mow the lawn. You are not doing this because you are poor and can't afford help. You are doing this because you love them and want them to understand certain things about life.      Children need to learn to appreciate the amount of effort it takes to do a job right. They need to experience the difficulties in life that people must overcome to be successful and they must learn about failure to be able to succeed.      Children must also learn how to work and play with others and that they will not always win, but they can always work harder to reach their goals. If they've done their best, then they can take pride in all the effort they put forth.       Life is about giving and serving and these qualities are taught in most homes.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday Moorhead

 Denny was up, out, and mowing.   I went into IG and  played pickleball 9-11am.  The boys took care of them selves and earned $ for Dubuque arcade.  We stopped at the school playground and got kicked off:) because when school is on the playground is not open.  We ate lunch at Zimmies with Susan and Gordon.  At home Jack and Tyler helped take down the vining morning glory.  It was a job.  At 4 we went to Moorhead park to roast hot dogs and make jack-o-lanterns.  We stopped at Goldsmiths to see Rose and Lincoln.  Luke had them run, run, run, and run before we headed home.  The boys went to bed amazingly well again.  About 9:30 Joy and Lynn came over, we talked about our road trip and decided to leave at 8 Sunday morning.  Most of it we will just play by ear.  Thank you Jesus for this fun trip in the making.  

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Get boys Thursday

  Before I headed to Cherokee I stopped at  the Courier and gave the information for the veteran paper.  I headed to Holstein @ Teifentalers to pick up the boys.   Before we headed home we stopped at the school play ground only to find out that the playground is not open to the public during school hours.  We came home for Bible study: Susan, Teresa, Melissa and Sharon.  After study we went outside to work on the garden.  They picked all the squash, and every tomato they could find.  AND some pretty flowers for me.  

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Denny's mowing

 Denny headed out about 8:30 and I went to IG for some PB.  We played until 11.   I worked on the information for a veteran edition of the paper.  It felt so good to put that together.  I didn't go to Awana banana split night, but watched TJ's football game.  Denny had mowed for Larsons all day. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Up and into IG for OGT.  I went to the bank at 9 to get a notarized signature and then headed to Cherokee to get my nails done and a haircut by Tessa.  We were done about noon and I went to get Tyler from Daycare.  It was a fun afternoon we spent together.  New Leaf, Bamboo takeout.  Magnetic park. pick up Jack, School play ground and skating, check out the snails at the office.  Home for tacos.  The boys  had put together many large puzzles.  They looked so good as floor covering/carpet.  On the way home I watched the volleyball match in IG and then came home to an amazing meal by Denny,  Jalapeño  poppers,  squash , smoked pork, YUM!!! nice day.  Still haven't seen the airbnb pair that are in Prairie Whole.  Interesting.  They rise early and are very quiet.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Back to Iowa

 I fell asleep listening to my book, and woke up with only about 45 minutes left to listen.  SO I think I listened to about 5 hours in my sleep.  Uffda!!!  Gail and Bruce came to pick me up about 8:30 and we got on the road.  


Sunday, October 15, 2023

In Madison

Nice slow morning.  We watched Nancy's TV church.  Then we worked in the craft room.  "Tis good to help straighten up."  Nancy fixed smoked pork chops with baby potatoes for supper.  Lovely slow day.  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Travel to Madison

Left at 6 am.  Sister call as we traveled.  Our family got nice pictures of the Jensens with instructions not to repost.  We got to Madison about noon.  Nancy had chili for us for lunch .  Gail and Bruce headed to Todd's about 1:15.  In the afternoon we napped and watched Iowa beat Wisconsin.  Keith and Jane took us to Todd's about 6 for supper.  It was a great Indian meal made by Todd.  We played the game, "Just say one".  At home Nancy and I watched TV before going to bed.