Sunday, October 1, 2023

No race. Head home.....

We were up early only to find out the Minneapolis race had been canceled.  Oh, there were 2 sad girls: Haley and Jasmine.  They decided to go on a 8 mile run, doing a loop.  Becky had a great idea to go to the loop there were running and cheer them on.  SO WE DID.  We went to mile 6 and cheered them on.  After we drove back home we got a ribbon of tp, banana and drink, air horn (Matt) and music.  the girls laughed and were comfortable than when we cheered for them along the road.  Actually, they were worried when we stopped by them ... that someone had stopped to kidnap them.   We went to church and then to Luke and Karen's.  Great 2 shows by Rose Chicken Little and Cinderella before we went for lunch.  Yummy!!  But before we ate Luke helped me put a small table in the back of the RAV 4.  We headed home about 3 and got home about 8.  

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