Friday, October 27, 2023

1 1/2 hour north

Joy once again tried her cream beater ... the version from the Japanese dollar store perhaps is not a useful as the one she uses at home.  I finished off my onion rings and rueben sandwich as breakfast that I normally don't have.  We headed to the wrong Goodwill, it did not have the little cowboy boots that she was wanting for Casey.  We stopped at a thrift store in Mount Vernon, and a shop for Joy and a gift tasting store for me.  At the next town we stopped at Whatcom Falls.  Very pretty waterfalls and we ate salad and soup at Olive Garden.  SO Good.  We shopped little more and got to Mark's cousin, Lee and Barbs around 4.  Good to visit with them.  Lee spent high school summers at Marc's dad Jim's farm helping with farming.  Barb served us spaghetti and salad and french bread.  AND cake and ice cream for dessert.  We went to their daughter, Dana and Josh, who had a tiny house on their farm.  SO NIICE!! Josh's mom had it put in to live at their acreage and then married and moved away.  It was for our gain:)  Kinda chilly in it, but SO nice.  Another great day!!!  

 As some of you young people are dreading going to your grandparents house because you want to be with your friends, let me tell you this and believe it or not. There will come a day when you would give anything to be sitting at that table eating and listening to all the corny stories they are telling. You want to run with those friends instead of sitting with the best friends you will ever have. The ones who will always have your back. One day you won't have that table to sit and you will certainly miss it. So if you still have that family, suck it up and do it because as you get older, that will be the most treasured days of your life!  Blessings!

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