Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Over the snow covered pass

 We left early thirty ... Like ... we left at 5 because snow was forecast over the pass we were traveling thru one the way to Seattle.  SO we started at 5 instead of 8 am.  One super thing was we met Rita and Mike at 7 am their time at a Yes gas station.  SO nice to give friends a hug.  They are doing well, helping with their son's E Free church.  Putting in a park model mobile home and doing the ground work, septic system, and leveling the area.  I drove the first leg, Joy the second, and Lynn drove over the pass.  We got to Lisa'a about 12:30.  Lynn was so happy to give her pregnant girl a hug!!  Nice home for them.  The airbnb that Lynn and Toshi are staying is just a couple miles from Lisa's.  We unpacked, regrouped and headed to Lamb and company @ Snohomish.  Nancy and I had just watched the show Unsellable houses at Madison and it is one of Joy's favorite shows.  So off we went. The town had many shops that we wandered thru.  Then we stopped to get groceries.  Back at the apartment we had cheese and crackers and an omelet and toast.  We tried to mirror screen, or watch tv with no success.  Toshi stopped over and they went to Lisa'a for the night.  I started laundry, put it in the dryer when I got up to use the rr, and the dryer ran off and on all night,  UFFDA!

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