Monday, October 2, 2023

Home, nice to be home

I kinda slept in.  Actually, I was up at 2, read some DAB and changed the laundry, because I saw an email that said we have an airbnb guest Monday and Tuesday nights.  Denny went to mow for Larsons.  I spent the day getting ready for the airbnb, putting away my stuff from this weekend, mowing the lawn, putting up the sign from Goldsmiths on the granary cabin, I started putting away stuff in the CSA barn.  The free table from Excelsior was SO HEAVY!!!  I did get it set away, but it was hard.  Just put on my big girl panties and kept trying.  Denny came home and I had salad and brats ready to eat.  It makes me smile each time I open my drawer.  I put the placemats from Nepal there.  

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