Thursday, October 26, 2023

Explore downtown

Up for devo @6:15.    I stayed in bed and worked on collages,  Fun for me to make some pictures of the Sui family.  We drove down to Westin Hotel with Lynn.  She got an upgrade and is on the 45th out of 47 floor. Joy and I started out about 11.  First stop was the Dahlia Bakery for renown coconut cream pie.  T'was good.  Then we meandered down to Pike Market area.  T'was fun to walk thru and look at all the wares on sale.  The flowers were amazing!!!  We were close to fish throwers, and we could hear the shouting when they threw fish, and I did see a fish flying thru the air, but we were not up close and personal.  We ate Russian polusky out on the patio overlooking the sound.  We walked by gum wall.  We bought 2 small pictures.  I got chowder and Joy bought an Italian sandwich.  It was about 2:30 and we tried to figure out what to do next.  We brainstormed and Joy figured out how to take a bus to the Space Needle and Chihuly art.  WE Did BoTH!! It was really amazing and fun!! to see everything from the high up.  We stayed at the space needle for a couple hours. Lynn and her working partner, Danelle walked down to join us and we ate at Dive diner.  We walked to the glass garden.  It was amazing!!! So pretty.  Joy and I went back to their apartment for the night. 


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