Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 The airbnb left and I started laundry.  I stayed until the wash was done and I could put the airbnb sheets in the dryer.  Then to Orphan Grain Train.  I walked up to the bank to  ask about my scam text.  Uffda!!! I took the $3 of antique skates to Cherokee.  Fun day at Spring Lake and then the3 school playground.  I didn't know how it would go and I am not above rewards, so I got a bag of skittles.  After the ordeal  of getting the skates adjusted, with shoe strings for ankle attachment because leather ones had disintegrated both Jack and Tyler earned a skittle for going around the picnic table.  5 Skittles for following a line to the opposite fence,  The 2 are different.  Jack kept skittles in his pocket.  Tyler put 'em in his mouth as soon as he accomplished the task.  After he found out what Jack ws doing Tyler was sad to realize he didn't have any pockets.  We put them in the shoelace plastic container.  I was happy to go to Degree of Style and make 2 appointments for nails and a hair trim.  I left and headed to IG for volleyball game.  Nice night.  When I got home Denny had finished mowing and was down getting the airbnb ready for guests tomorrow.  Another nice day!!

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