Thursday, April 11, 2024

Happy birthday Phillip!!

Thank you for giving to the Lord, We are blessed because of it.  We pray you are having a great day!!

I played PB in the am.  At noon Haley did my nails.  I asked God on the way to give me an opening and boldness to talk to Haley about You.  SO amazing!!  She started the conversation by saying how she has ben really listening and being obedient to what God is telling her  I was so encouraged.  Her eyes even looked clearer.  Lord, continue to work in Haley's life, give her the strength and power to be obedient to our voice.   In the afternoon I went to the pool and Denny washed the car.  I made good use of the air water mattress that I got last year at a garage sale.  SO relaxing!!  I took the trike, box and brown grocery bag. When I got back Denny had almost everything ready to head north.  

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