Monday, April 15, 2024

Quite a bit done today... more than I expected.

Denny sorted thru his clothes and we have 2 big black bags to take to OGT tomorrow.  He blew leaves out of the machine shed to get ready for Lance and car work tomorrow.  I would do little and then rest little.  Do little and then rest little. All. day.long.  Hopefully the wind isn't blowing the daffodils too much and I can harvest some and put in coolbot.  I planted the ranunculus in the shade garden.  I planted spinach and radishes and arugula.  I put the rosemary in a pot and tilled the shade garden.  I picked up the biggest sticks in the from yard.  There was red sediment in water storage tank behind bunkhouse.  Denny sprayed it out with the pressure sprayer.  We moved deck furniture out of the garage.  Curtis L. stopped to visit.  Nice phone call from Missy tonight after my shower.  She was getting ready for school.  They have decided to miss the Thailand team conference.  If you are reading this please say a prayer that all goes well with the end of school year and staffing for next year.  

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