Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sat. Aug 29

8/29/09 Left IG for Offitt Airforce base at 8:30 this am. Dean & Julie R., Dennis & Deanna R., Dick & Connie P. and us. Of course, taking county pavements we ran into closed roads, but we got there. They shuttled us to the base. Very interesting...lots of big planes to walk through...lots of planes to watch...lots of people.

We called Neppls to see what Amber's husbands name was. They were going to be in Omaha for his pinning as an officer. We met them for supper. Definately a God thing to work it out. After Outback we went to the Rock...Sat night church for Candlewood. We spent the night with Rory and Kathy W. Great to have it work. God is so good!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fri. Aug 28

8/28/09 Mark S. and Neil L. birthday today. We 3, plus Kennedy, met Denny in the city park with pizza. After eating I mowed at Howard and Anabel's. Then I went back to the unit and finished processing and treating many small pigs. Denny got home about 4:30...finally banker's hours. I guess they can check out at 4 on Fridays during the non busy season. The bank has a rotating shift of employees that work the Friday night shift til 6 and Sat til noon. I came home and mowed our yard. Finally I stretched out on the loveseat and watched the remaining 3 quarters of the Parkersburg football game on TV. I had prayed all day that the tough day in front of Parkersburg would go okay. I thought the ESPN special was very good. I'm sure it was very emotional for the whole community. May God's glory be seen in all things. (The picture isn't the birthday party today in the park. Instead it is a tea party/ice cream under the tree with Mandy and Grandpa with Haley and Torren.)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thurs Aug 27 2390

8/27/09 Thursday morning cleaning. Nice for us to do it together so we have a clean house for the weekend, I worked at the unit until 10:30 and then went home to transplant some yellow lilies. At 12:30 I headed to Odebolt to substitute for Elementary PE. Good afternoon. The feed spill is all cleaned up. Denny used Howard's tractor with the loader to move the bin. Great Granny has wonderful baby kittys. All four grand kids loved them...almost to death. We visited with the folks then came home for a wonderful relaxing salad for supper out on the deck. We just visited out there until 9 pm. I really enjoyed it.

Wed. Aug. 26

8/26/09 Why I got up at 3:30 am today I DO NOT KNOW!! Did my body think it was a Tuesday morning?? Too strange. No wonder I was crabby and anxious all day. You need sleep, Faith. Thanks for your prayers, Missy. I know they helped. All day I just sang the song that Harskamps sang at church on Sunday. "One day at a time sweet Jesus." Denny has been working at the drive up window...branch office and learning teller stuff. I picked 4 vases of flowers for the SS teacher appreciation supper tonight. We went to eat at 6. Grilled burgers, salads and 2 deserts. YUM!! Did I tell you that Mandy went sky diving? Missy said Phillip had been looking on Craig's list for some canoes. Since they got back from Grand Moray he has been enthused about taking youth out on canoes.

Tues Aug 25 2350

8/25/09 Happy Birthday Jean!!! ( Happy half birthday to me!) I was at rec center at 4:30-10:00 am. Denny was going to stop in for coffee there before he went to work...but a feed bin at the unit collapsed. We knew it was rusted; this was to be the last load in it. Ooops. After the rec center I went to the unit to process pigs until 6. I didn't realize that the Financial Peace University started at 6, so we went 30 minutes late. Blessing from Mary Jo. May the Lord keep you warm and safe spiritually today. May you depend upon him for your needs and lay the desires of your heart at his feet. May you search for His desires for your life and seek to pursue them with all your energy. May your countenance bless those around you and all those with whom you have contact this day. God bless.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mon Aug 24

8/24/09 Denny had orientation today at the bank. I worked at the unit til 11 and then went to Howard and Anabel's. The Jensen's were there and we had some lunch. I watched the Evan and Anabel while M&P packed the car. The sandbox is always a hit with kids. About 3 I went back to the unit to second feed and treat little pigs. Kinda worried about them. Denny got $1 hamburgers in Arthur for supper. Elizabeth, Emily, Danielle, Reeann, Sarah, Lynn and Laura were here for Bible study.

Sun Aug 23 2336

8/23/09 Evan, Grandpa and I went in for donuts before SS. He was soo happy to see Abby U. today. They have been buddies for a long time and really get a kick out of each other. (ie they jump up and down and dance when they see each other). After church (when almost everyone had headed home) they took these push toys out and ran them up and down the church aisle until they were shooed back to the nursery. I was amazed when last Friday at lunch he prayed for his "Idahove" friends and them named 6-8 of them. Denny grilled pork steaks for lunch. We watched a couple movies and just relaxed in the afternoon. After naps Jensens headed to Crawford Creek to see Megan and Ryan T. Nice visit with kids after evening church. We watched part of the VCR of my folks 50th wedding anniversary in the basement.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sat. Aug 22

8/22/09 UP to the unit from 5-6:30 am. Then tag team. I came home and Denny went up. Curt sold about 100 gilts. They are starting to go out the door. I went back to sleep until Anabel woke up at 8:35. Evan joined us soon afterward. About 9:30 Anabel and I went to IG for a shower for Tim A. and his fiancee. We left Evan at the unit. She was so cute at the shower. She just toddled around and all the ladies.loved watching her. She found a basket in the kitchen that was sitting on the floor. She took the napkin out of it and sat in it. Then she found a fluffy cat stuffed animal to carry around and love. Helen S. (Ann H's mom) fed her part of her cinnamon roll and Anabel would come up to visit with her and she would feed her. Kind of like a little chirping bird with open mouth. After we got home we all just went to the coop. Kids played and we watched and cleaned.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fri Aug 21 2289

8/21/09 Up to the unit 5am-7. Then home to see Denny leave and watch kiddos. Took care of Princess and kitties at folks then went to get Kelly B to babysit while I worked another 3 hours at the unit. Then we went to her house to see NINE ppuppies. Pretty fun. Lunch, naps, mow the lawn with Anabel in the backpack and Evan on a cushion on the front of the lawn mower. So cute. I stopped to get cucumbers for them to eat while they rode. Evan would look back at Anabel and me and just smile. I'd go WHoo ooo and wheeee eee. And the kids would laugh. They thought is was like a state fair carnival ride that they didn't get to do on Tuesday. They didn't want to get off and play in the coop. They just wanted to ride with me. Denny went to the Storm Lake office and didn't get home til close to 7. I've got a learning curve, too. He went to Odebolt to get some meat that Mark had picked up for us at the locker. I checked sow a t the unit. When I got home the kids were in bed. We talked to Matt for a while, then Denny and I finally got a chance to visit before hittting the sack. Learning curve for me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thur Aug 20

8/20/09 This is Grandpa Howard's pride and joy. A century farm award at the Iowa State Fair. Howard's sister in law and 3 of her 6 kids came to the awards ceremony. The emcee asked if we brought our own cheering section. He had the banner, hats, and caps made.

Wed. Aug 19 2250

8/19/09 Denny started work at United Bank of Iowa today. Doesn't he look GOOOOOD!!! Quite a bit different attire from the hog unit. We still had time for a cup of coffee on the deck before he headed to work at 7. The kids gave him a frame with pictures for his desk yesterday. Pray for him...and the learning curve...and the changes. We're thankful for the job. I worked at the unit til about 11. Then Mandy and I left to take her to the airport. We stopped at 8 thrift stores. Mostly looked. I think I spent $4 for crib mattress pad, sheets and a non curling iron.

Tues Aug 18

8/18/09 36 YEARS of marriage!!! We received at century farm award at the Iowa State Fair. BIG day. We left for DM at 7:30. Got to the fair grounds about 11. The kids were already there. GRandpa Johnson had the banner made and t shirts and hat for the whole family.

Mon Aug 17 2225

8/17/09 Up to the unit early...but Doc and Curt didn't come. We didn't get Mark's message saying the visit was cancelled. Mandy watched kids while I worked and then we headed into Ida Grove to swim at the Rec center. I got subs and we took them to the guys working at the parsonage. Jonathon R. John A. and Reese J. Home for naps. Bible study is changed from Monday mornings to 6:30 at night. Lynn S. Steph P. Sarah W. Mandy J and I assembled 10 cheer plates and 11 vases of flowers for our 40 days of love assignment. We took them to Browns, Sally, Aunt L, Herb J. Tag ? Tasha U. Nulles, Nicki T. Bennetts, and one for Emily and Dannielle to take to the new teacher. It was pretty fun to do something just to brighten another person's day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sun Aug 16

8/16/09 We went to IG to take flowers to PH before going to Sparkie's to get donuts before going to SS. After church Karen joined us for BLT's. Luke and Karen left for Burlington. They got a lot of fresh basil from my garden. Hurray for pesto! Denny went to church at night. H&T and I went to Great Granny's for more crab apples and time to hold the kitty. When Grand Aunt Nancy was here she was a life saver with book reading and story telling. That Wed. night from Atlantic to home Haley got to feeling sad and GA Nance got them to feeling glad with the stories she told.

Sat Aug 15 2222

8/15/09 Mark worked this weekend, so Denny kinda of slept in. Then fixed bacon and eggs for all. Luke had gotten pine nuts to make pesto with the fresh basil froom my garden. I fried up 10 pounds of boxed bacon to put in the freezer for BLTs. About 10:15 we headed to Lakeview. Luke watched the kids while we bought a used queen bed from Once Again for the yellow room in the basement. We had pesto pasta for lunch with Mandy and Luke. Allecia O. came to our house and she and Mandy went to their 5 year class reunion about 3. Luke left for the wedding about 3:15. It rained in afternoon and kids played outside in small pool and sprinkler. After bedtime ;Denny and I started to watch the DVD Bella. Luke came home and we visited a little.

Fri Aug 14

8/14/09 Mandy flew into Omaha today at 8:30. Grandpa and Grandma Johnson went to get her. Nancy rode along and Gail met them at the Avoca/I 80 intersection. HT& I rode into town with Denny while he had a chiropractor appointment. We went for a quick dip at the rec center. We had lunch with Mandy then after a naps she took off for Ames. After supper and putting the kids to bed Denny and I played Yahtze on the deck. Luke and Karen werre in IG for Amy A's wedding practice. He came home about 11 and we visited shortly before heading to bed.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thur Aug 13 2200

8/13/09 Kids got up. I fixed scrambled eggs. Nancy watched Haley and Torren while I sprayed last room at the unit with Denny and Jon. It took less than 75 min. At 10 I went home and we went to the pool at the rec center. Then to the playground and the library. I got pizzas and we fed the guys at the unit. Then we went to Great grandma's. She has tame baby kittys. AND YUMMY WHITNEY CRAB APPLES!! Both are great for grandkids.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wed.Aug 12

8/12/09 Loaded out 1300 pigs at unit. weighing 13.24 #. Sprayed 3 rooms and left for Shanendoah to pick up Haley and Torren. Matt and Beckky are going to Branson for a couple days and we get to keepthe kids until Aug 18 at the State Fair when Matt and Becky meet us. :) After meeting M&B at 5:30 we went to Atlantic to eat yummy supper with Hendersons and Nancy. Gail showed us her beautiful quilts. Nancy came home with us and saved the day by telling Winnie the Pooh stories for about the last 35 minutes of the trip.

Tues Aug 11 2153

8/11/09 Rec Center Early then I went with Joy Annear to Becky C.'s yard for a tour. VERY VERY VERY nice...Her husband builds beautiful homes. Did I say they have an unbelievable play/tree house for kids. First a deck landing then a raised play house...with a swinging bridge that connects it to another house that has a fire man's pole to slide down to exit. NOT built our of recycled wood. We are talking quality stuff. After a few errands I went to the unit and we sprayed 2 rooms. I fixed flowers for the widow's luncheon on Wed noon and at 6:30 I met Susan G. at the Kastle cones before the home school meeting. Denny went on a motorcycle ride to Cherokee...All you can eat taco's...that took for ages.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mon Aug 10

8/10/09 We had planned to have a going away party for Sarah this am. Instead we had a "Happy you are staying here" party. Sarah, Emily, Elizabeth,, Danielle, Carmen, Stephanie, Joann, Darlene, Faith, Bethany, Laura, Lynn. Nice bunch of gals. The weather was beautiful. Everyone like the coffee pot from Mom's china set. 12 ladies. We also had 11 kids playing around the yard, so we weren't outnumbered. I got a phone call about 5 from Supt. Trimble. She called to say the job of Elem. PE did not materialize. She was calling the 4 people who sent letters of interest to say there was no job available. She said that she didn't normally advertise before the position was certain, but (because it was so close to the start of the year) this time she put the ad in the paper. It's good to ask God to lead. It definitely was a closed door. Simplifies life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sun Aug 9 2086

8/9/09 It rained and hailed while I was up feeding my sows this am. I took Laura and 3 kids to church. I hadn't taken new flowers to Pizza Hut on Friday or Saturday. So (in my usual smooshing mode) after SS I drove to IG, took flowers to PH, and picked up 4 footlongs to go. I was a little late for church. After church we went to Stangls and had chips and sandwiches for lunch. Then great naps at home and lay around and watched a TV movie about a woman lawyer (Yea Karen!!). Denny cleaned the Intripid. After church we ate supper in the basement, hung a few pictures and played Racko and Texas rummy. A year ago Barb and Katolo were married. All my kids were there. 'Made me so happy I wanted to dance like Torren and Evan. (At this time I had hoped to put the link to Matt's blog where E&T are dancing. I couldn't get it done...anyway it was cute.)

Sat Aug 8

8/8/09 Great day at home. Really got a lot accomplished. I went to the unit early, then spent some Sat morning time talking to sisters Jean and Nancy. Denny came home from work and we cleaned out Luke's closet. It was full with games, bedding stuff, and sleeping bags that we moved up from the basement last July when the Jensens came to live here. For now we moved Denny's "work clothes" (shirts and ties etc.) in that room. He sorted thru all his clothes in bedroom closet and got rid of many that didn't fit anymore. I mowed the lawn and fixed fajita meat for supper. At night we watched a DVD from the library. Friday Night Lights. Not the best...but better than the TV fare. A year ago this weekend we were in Decorah for my niece's wedding. When I was visiting Mom in Texas in 2008 I got the orange outfits for the little ones. Gail and I went to every store atleast twice before I could make a decision.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fri Aug 7 2046

8/7/09 Perfect fun day. Last Saturday Rory Whitney and 20 from his church went to Costa Rica for a missions trip. I had talked to Kathy earlier in the week. She was home alone and had a long to do list. So today I called her, and went down to Omaha and spent the day with her. So much fun!! I left at 8:30 am and back at 8:30 pm. I met her at the Y. We did 2 exercise classes together. Lunch at Panera's. About an hour at Mulhall's garden/lawn furniture store. About an hour at Goodwill. I got a neat queen size spread for basement bedroom. Visited Erin and Adam fixing up their home with a basement room for Asher and making room for September baby boy. Walked thru Hannah and Shane's home. (Erin had a key. They were in Costa Rica, too.) Then to Whitney's home. We walked around the yard. They have 2 hammocks and so Kathy and I just lay in them and talked for about an hour. Relaxing, better than a nap. Then home. Great Fun Day!!! It was just fun hanging out with her. Kinda like the times Anabel and Evan just hang out.

Thurs.Aug 6

8/6/09 After unit I worked in the yard. Denny went to town and got 2 teeth pulled. He came back at noon and we put the trellis that I got at Menards down by my garden. It took a little doing. Several trip to Machine shed. One trip to unit to cut some rods to pound into the ground to stabilize it. At 2 I went to Bible study at Ginny A.'s with Teresa and Pat G. Mark and Laura have been married 20 years and so we had them over for steaks for supper. It was kind of a veggie meal with the many veggies that we didn't even eat our salads. Denny fixed fried green tomatoes in the frying pan that Mandy gave us for Christmas. For appetizers we had kohlrabi and cowboy caviar...basically corn, beans, onions, and red, green, and yellow peppers This picture is of Denny dishing up sauteed mushroom and onions on top of the steaks. Then baked potatoes. I had set the table inside but it was such great weather and no bugs so we ate out on the deck. It started to sprinkle a little after we were done eating and so we moved the 4 deck chairs under the roof overhang and just sat and visited. It was so nice. They left about 10. Oh yes, Denny had grilled zucchini with Italian dressing brushed on and topped with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. YUM!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wed. Aug. 5 1973

8/5/09 I walked with Lynn S. and asked her to critique my letter of interest and resume. I took the letter in to the superintendent's office in IG. She won't be in IG til Friday. Then I took my book to the library for them to send to Denison. Nice that it saved me a trip. I had called the Denison library and they suggested it. I checked out 3 DVDs for 3 days. Maybe we'll watch one tonight. While I was in town I went to Pizza Hut and got paid for the flowers I took there yesterday. I also saw I had a pizza card filled for we got pizza for supper. Picture is of funeral director Matt during the Judgement house presentation the end of October at their church. Also the last heaven scene where we all had white robes. Really cool presentation. Lots of people...Lots of work...1500 went thru in maybe 5 nights.

Tues. Aug 4

8/4/09 Early at the rec center. Then hurry home. 13 ladies here for salad luncheon. Marge H. Betty P. Anabel J. Bev W. Donna M. Bev B. Karen P. Donna R. Lola VH. Patty C. Cherrie A. Lorraine J. Joy A. They brought salads. I used my china and had pink goblets, silverware, cloth napkins, tea cups, and fresh flowers in the chicken coop. It was pretty fun. After a nap I looked at the reminder and saw this notice of vacancy. The OA-BCIG schools have the following vacancy for the 2009- 2010 year: K-6 Physical Education (anticipated). Those qualified and interested in the position listed abouve should submit a signed letter of interest to Mrs. Dani Trimble, Superintendent, O-A and BCIG Schools. This position will remain open until filled. What's with that? I worked on a letter and resume after we got home from a motorcycle ride to supper at Dunlap. Pray. Only God knows what His will is for my life.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mon. Aug 3 1917

8/3/09 5 of us here for Bible study. Carmen R. Sarah W. Tracey B. Lynn S. Sarah had the tough news that she is not moving to St. Joe. May God continue to lead her. I know she is disappointed, but I'm glad she is still going to be around.

Sun Aug 2

8/2/09 We had Sarah, Michael, Brandon, David, Reese, Joann and Larry over for lunch after church. We took naps after people left. Then Denny washed the pickup and I washed my car. That's scarey! Me, my house, my car clean, and most of the big weeds out of the flower beds...or covered up with mulch. After evening church I mowed the lawn and Denny washed the motorcycle. We played cards in basement after dark.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sat. Aug 1

8/1/09 Nice day!! I went to the unit early to switch some litters around. After breakfast Denny and I cleaned. Really good to clean out the sliding glass door tracks. They were nasty. Then coffee at the folks. It was noisey in the yard when we got home. Airplanes were flying low and putting on ??. Hopefully it won't hurt my flowers. Then at noon we toook the Harley and left for Okoboji. Nice ride. Susan's cousin Janet was there. It was nice to visit. On the way home we got steaks in Storm Lake to grill for supper. Great to sit on the deck and enjoy life and each other.