Friday, August 28, 2009

Fri. Aug 28

8/28/09 Mark S. and Neil L. birthday today. We 3, plus Kennedy, met Denny in the city park with pizza. After eating I mowed at Howard and Anabel's. Then I went back to the unit and finished processing and treating many small pigs. Denny got home about 4:30...finally banker's hours. I guess they can check out at 4 on Fridays during the non busy season. The bank has a rotating shift of employees that work the Friday night shift til 6 and Sat til noon. I came home and mowed our yard. Finally I stretched out on the loveseat and watched the remaining 3 quarters of the Parkersburg football game on TV. I had prayed all day that the tough day in front of Parkersburg would go okay. I thought the ESPN special was very good. I'm sure it was very emotional for the whole community. May God's glory be seen in all things. (The picture isn't the birthday party today in the park. Instead it is a tea party/ice cream under the tree with Mandy and Grandpa with Haley and Torren.)

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