Friday, August 7, 2009

Fri Aug 7 2046

8/7/09 Perfect fun day. Last Saturday Rory Whitney and 20 from his church went to Costa Rica for a missions trip. I had talked to Kathy earlier in the week. She was home alone and had a long to do list. So today I called her, and went down to Omaha and spent the day with her. So much fun!! I left at 8:30 am and back at 8:30 pm. I met her at the Y. We did 2 exercise classes together. Lunch at Panera's. About an hour at Mulhall's garden/lawn furniture store. About an hour at Goodwill. I got a neat queen size spread for basement bedroom. Visited Erin and Adam fixing up their home with a basement room for Asher and making room for September baby boy. Walked thru Hannah and Shane's home. (Erin had a key. They were in Costa Rica, too.) Then to Whitney's home. We walked around the yard. They have 2 hammocks and so Kathy and I just lay in them and talked for about an hour. Relaxing, better than a nap. Then home. Great Fun Day!!! It was just fun hanging out with her. Kinda like the times Anabel and Evan just hang out.

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