Friday, August 7, 2009

Thurs.Aug 6

8/6/09 After unit I worked in the yard. Denny went to town and got 2 teeth pulled. He came back at noon and we put the trellis that I got at Menards down by my garden. It took a little doing. Several trip to Machine shed. One trip to unit to cut some rods to pound into the ground to stabilize it. At 2 I went to Bible study at Ginny A.'s with Teresa and Pat G. Mark and Laura have been married 20 years and so we had them over for steaks for supper. It was kind of a veggie meal with the many veggies that we didn't even eat our salads. Denny fixed fried green tomatoes in the frying pan that Mandy gave us for Christmas. For appetizers we had kohlrabi and cowboy caviar...basically corn, beans, onions, and red, green, and yellow peppers This picture is of Denny dishing up sauteed mushroom and onions on top of the steaks. Then baked potatoes. I had set the table inside but it was such great weather and no bugs so we ate out on the deck. It started to sprinkle a little after we were done eating and so we moved the 4 deck chairs under the roof overhang and just sat and visited. It was so nice. They left about 10. Oh yes, Denny had grilled zucchini with Italian dressing brushed on and topped with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. YUM!!

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