8/8/09 Great day at home. Really got a lot accomplished. I went to the unit early, then spent some Sat morning time talking to sisters Jean and Nancy. Denny came home from work and we cleaned out Luke's closet. It was full with games, bedding stuff, and sleeping bags that we moved up from the basement last July when the Jensens came to live here. For now we moved Denny's "work clothes" (shirts and ties etc.) in that room. He sorted thru all his clothes in bedroom closet and got rid of many that didn't fit anymore. I mowed the lawn and fixed fajita meat for supper. At night we watched a DVD from the library. Friday Night Lights. Not the best...but better than the TV fare. A year ago this weekend we were in Decorah for my niece's wedding. When I was visiting Mom in Texas in 2008 I got the orange outfits for the little ones. Gail and I went to every store atleast twice before I could make a decision.
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