Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sat Oct 31 12933

10/31/09 We worked at the unit today. We gave shots to baby pigs in 3 of the 6 rooms. Neil is having a hard time finding a babysitter for Monday afternoon so we are proactive on next week's task. After work we headed to Carroll. Denny left his coat there 2 weeks ago. Luckily they still had it and he remembered this am where he left it. PTL We made a Wal-mart run. The hundred dollar store. It took a while to get an enlargement made for Newhouse Christmas. Plus we got coffee, shower mirrors, 2 clocks for Denny's office at the bank (one for him, one for the customer to see), batteries for the car key chain, green beans, a pepper grinder, slip on shoes for Denny... all good stuff. We ate Mexican before heading home.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fri Oct 30

10/30/09 I fed at the unit at 5. Then home to visit with Denny before he went to work. We cleaned for about 45 minutes. Curt and the vet were here at 7. We talked in the office for over 1 1/2 hours. Lots of figuring out stuff. I'm not the good with numbers. I think the visit went well. There's another meeting with bankers this afternoon.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thur Oct 29 12900

10/29/09 I subbed in Ida Grove today. It was a good day. Denny had a good day at the bank too. School got out at 2:30 and so I went to Sue's for Bible study. Denny paid bills at night and I went to the unit to feed a second time and do a little extra sweeping before the vet comes tomorrow.

Wed Oct 28

10/28/09 After the unit I went home and planted some bulbs that I got from Breck. I also took off the carpet from the garden and took dehydrating trays to Howard and Anabel. We peeled and sliced some apples and put them in a 170 oven to dry. We had a good turn out for Awana Banana Split guest night. I think between 30-40 kids came for the first time. NOW for leaders we were about 10-15 short, between sickness and harvest. Makes for an interesting night, but God provided... no one was lost or hurt. (With the exception of the tug of war with the boy leaders when Gordon G. lost his balance. I warned the adults guys not to get hurt.) Maryann L. met me for prayer from 6- 6:15. What a blessing. Blessings from Mary Jo May the Lord bring the Light of Christ into your life today. May he brighten every corner of your world with peace, direction, love, kindness, long suffering, joy, gentleness, mercy, goodness, patience, humility, compassion, forgiveness. May you reflect the glory of the Lord to all those around and brighten their worlds, too. God bless you This picture may brighten your day. I smile each time I see it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tues Oct 27 12852

10/27/09 Oooops!!! Now you know the rest of the story...errrr the rest of the picture. I subbed in OA this am for PE. It went fine. On the way home I stopped at the bank. We ate lunch together. I fixed fettuccine for supper with spinach salad and we ate in the coop. I made room reservations for Dec. 4 & Dec 5 in Dubuque. I figured one room for Jensens Friday and Sat. nights. One room for Luke/Karen ? and us Friday and Sat nights. One room for Matt Johnsons just Sat night. Didn't exactly know every one's plans but figured we could cancel Nov 30 and only be out $15 for each cancellation. Craig kinda emailed and encouraged us to make reservations. I KNOW WE'RE PLANNING ON GOING. Let me know if it doesn't work for any of you. We do miss the UBI bank Christmas Party which is that Sat night. You can't do everything. Life just goes on.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mon Oct 26

10/26/09 Up to the unit early. Then to IG for a home school visit. I stopped at Arthur to visit my banker. I picked up Sue at 11 and we spent a great afternoon with Lisa VK. It just was good to visit. The cross country meet started at 4. The girls got 6th out of about 15+ teams at district . The boys got 2nd and will go to the state CC meet this weekend in Fort Dodge. Garret E. got 1st by about 30 seconds. It was really fun to watch him run. He was a long way ahead. Mick H finished 10th.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sun Oct 25 12814

10/25/09 After church Howard and Anabel came for hamburgers. Denny helped them look on the computer for things to get with their Visa points. After looking at a laptop and considering the need for monthly hook up costs, Howard decided at this time to get a new radio/boom box. He wants to hear the news and games better. They still have more points to use later. We took a short...too short...nap and went to Financial Peace at 4, then 6 pm Sunday night prayer meeting. Why do I have these cute pictures of my girls and dead animals?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sat Oct 24

10/24/09 You know you have no life when one of the high lights of your day is car washing. Especially when your husband LOVES the product and says that it makes my car 2 degrees lighter and shinier. Hurray for "Power Clean"...and the help Denny gave me washing the Malibu. He used it on the Intrepid just under the horizontal bar on the car side...Can you tell that part of the car is cleaner?? Today Denny finished getting all the Awana clubber names entered in the computer. I went to an auction and bought an oak commode/small table. (I don't know what it is called.) I have been thinking that I would like one. It was Jack and Jill's auction at the fair grounds. They are going to Florida in winter, a house on Spirit Lake in summer and an apartment in Omaha where children Justin and Jenny live the other times of the year. Their house in IG sold (without being listed) in 3 days. We got LP tanks so we could have that marinated steak for supper. After coming back from IG we also took the chain saw and got a Bobcat bucket full of fire wood. Good Day!! Lots done!!

Fri Oct 23 12785

10/23/09 Denny and I went for coffee at the folks before he went to work. They got a new dishwasher this week and Hemers installed it on Wed. We might take the old one (which works, but the front panel is off and it looks bad) and put it in the basement kitchen. Mark had Neil come in and finish spraying the gilt room. He told Neil his back hurt. I had a hair cut at 12:45. Then I went to see what would be sold at the auction tomorrow at the fair grounds. When I got home, (it took a while, but) I did get my checking account downloaded and reconciled with the bank. I was going to grill a little steak for supper, but the lp tank was empty so we had fried hamburgers, squash and cabbage salad (with frozen cookie dough for dessert). We visited with Matt a little on the phone. He had just gotten home from Chicago (work) and was going to Oklahoma til Sunday (church). Wasn't he a cute 6 year old!! Now his daughter is almost 6. Hope he is having as much fun as we did raising kids.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thur Oct. 22

10/22/09 As you can tell I have been having fun with the "new" repo computer that Dad got. (a bank job has 1 perk) Denny down loaded all my old photo albums on it. And with Picasso I can crop the whole page to use just one picture on the album page. Hence all the old pictures. In another love area of my life... this week I have also contacted Breck and ordered replacement plants for the ones that I have gotten from them (which have died). Now... that may be a problem because they shipped me some bulbs today. It is very cold and rainy...and I have more bulbs coming. I think I may dig the holes while the ground is not frozen and put the dug-out dirt in a pail in the garage. When the bulbs come in mid November I can just put them in the predug hole and pour the dirt from pails in the garage on top of the bulbs. Today would not be a good day to do that. It is cold and rainy...the ground is really soggy. I went to Bible study at Sue's. Then I did pm feeding at the unit. Denny wasn't home until after 6:15. I had gotten pizza with gas purchases at Pronto and we had spinach artichoke dip & crackers, and pizza in the coop for the dinner hour. Now it's back to the real world of Thursday night paying bills. Hope my family and friends know that some "bunny" always loves them. That would be me...but the picture is of Mandy.

Wed. Oct 21 12745

10/21/09 Quick coffee. Neil came and we finished processing the rest of the 1221 pigs. We started about 9 and got done about 12:30. Good to have done. When I realized that we would be done at the unit about noon my mind got to spinning. We needed some more cool toys for the store. I called and Amelia M.'s helped me shop in IG. Then we went to the nursing home in Odebolt. She played her cute. And handed out fall pictures that she had colored. Then we went back to Arthur. We finished marking items and setting up the store. I took her home about 4:45, fixed scrambled eggs for us to eat at church and headed back to Arthur by 5:30. Good night at Awana

Tues Oct 20

10/20/09 After coffee at the folks I ended up processing baby pigs by myself at the unit. It took me 5 hours and I was shot. That's alot of catching, picking up,giving shots, tail clipping etc. I fixed some ham sandwiches to take for Denny and me to eat before Finanical peace. I forgot all about the motorcycle meeting. We set up for the Awana syore after FP. Sun glasses thanks to Grandma Johnson.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mon Oct 19 12725

10/19/09 I went to the unit early so I could go substitute in IG for Pre/Med. I remember last year when I substituted in that class I was impressed that OA would have that many students interested in the health field that they could offer a Pre/Med class...until I discovered that it stood for Presentation and Media. The kids were working on Power points today. Then I was in 2 classes of PE where they walked around the track. Wonderful weather. Great to be out. I got home and dug up a few dahlia plants and planted a few daffodils. Neil came at 1 and we processed baby pigs until 5. Then out to plants a few more bulbs that I got on sale at Food Pride. Steph, Stacy, Sarah, and me for Bible study. Denny worked on an Awana letter updating leaders who weren't at the Awana meeting Sat. night.

Sun. Oct 1

10/18/09 Church and SS Then we went to Carroll and ate Chinese with Gail and Bruce. Good to see them. We also went to Santa Maria's. Denny got a soft sided brief case at Walmart and I got 2 vases at a thrift store. At home I planted some mums and asters that I had gotten earlier this fall. Denny worked on putting names of Awana clubbers in a file and I went to prayer time at church.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sat. Oct. 17 12650

10/17/09 I worked at the unit early so I could go to the cross country meet in Holstein. It was fun to watch the runners. Whitney G got first for the JV race. May she know that she'll always have her dad cheering for her. I took a short nap when I got home then fixed food for tonight before heading to the unit to even up the litters that had been born the last 2 days. There were 6 Awana leaders that came for supper. Prayer, Praise, and Pork burgers... and carmel brownies, ramen noodle salad, deviled eggs, pasta salad, cheesy corn noodle casserole, chips, peach tea, milk, coffee. Mary G brought potato salad. It was a good meeting.

Fri Oct. 16

10/16/09 I subbed in the IG HS in art from 10 - 2. I transfered some $ from UBI to FSB. On the way home from IG I stopped at Arthur to see a banker. When he got off work he picked up pizza from Sparkies and we ate it at the folks. Not much going on. These are the bed head and foot board that I have been staining. Now we don't really think we have a way to attach them and use them. Oh, well, they still look pretty.

Thur Oct 15 12625

10/15/09 We got up and cleaned today. Denny had an early meeting. This is how Anabel looked when she was talking to her grandpa last Sat. am while we were traveling to Burr Oak. Do you think she was happy? I had coffee at the folks then worked til 1 at unit. Naomi had a birthday luncheon for Susan before Bible Study. I did a few errands in IG and came home. When Denny got home we went to the unit to get a big dead sow out that Mark and I couldn't get. Now that's exciting news!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wed. Oct 14 12600

10/14/09 Howard and Anabel thought they would be going to SC this am. After feeding and cleaning I came home and put another layer of stain on the head and foot board. It was grey and cool but I did move some twigs and branches into the coop. Need to get ready for fires out there. There were 200 in our Wed. nite activities. Lois S is headed to see her son on Tuesday. I'll be missing her. We pray together before Awana starts. With 200 in our facility we 'll be needing prayer.

Tues Oct 13

10/13/09 After Denny left for work I went to the folks for coffee. Then to the unit. I met Denny in IG for lunch. He was getting his gun permit renewed and I needed to visit with Kathy L about home school information. I bought 2 sheets sets at Brenda's. And a ironing board cover...boy, did that make Denny's day. They are all set up in Luke's room. I took supper to Denny at the church before Ramsey. One day last week when Denny left for work there was a beautiful sunrise. Grandkids sure add light to our days.

Mon Oct. 12 12575

10/12/09 Praise the LORD. Denny had Columbus day off. We went to the folks for coffee then he worked at the unit ALL DAY fixing heaters, etc. Curt came and visited with us about continuing to breed the sows. Mark was breeding sows and he wouldn't have had time to fix heaters. I left about 2 pm to get 2 more heaters and some replacement parts in Storm Lake. Bummer!!! I forgot all about the IG cross country meet. After dropping stuff off at the unit, I went home for Bible study. Steph, Stacy, Renae, Sarah, Elizabeth, Emily, Danielle. Good group. The pix on the right is from the shower. Pretty fun to have 4 cousins all expecting. I had fun playing with the kids, too.

Sun Oct 11

10/11/09 Church and SS. For lunch we got 2 Casey's pizzas.. Denny played with the kiddos out in the leaves. We took short naps and left about 2:30 to get to Arthur for Lindgren's 60th anniversary. Really a nice program with about 3 musical numbers and 3 readings. Howard and Anabel were there too. I checked the sows when we got home. The canoes traveled very well behind Denny's pickup.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sat Oct. 10 12550

10/10/09 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!! Hope you are having a great time in Oregon. It was a couple years ago at a sister's weekend that the picture on the right was taken. I think it was at the Amana colonies. Saturday am Missy and I left about 7 to head to Decorah for Julie, my niece's baby shower. The table on the left was the aunt table at the shower. Missy and I were at Burr Oak about 9. We met the family at Country Express, they were having breakfast. We went to Craig's. About 10 Missy served as chauffeur for 5 aunts as we visited some open houses of artists in NE Iowa. We saw a silk scarf painter, a wood carver, a person who makes jewelry from fused glass. Then we drove to Silvercrest. The shower went from 1-4. Back to the farm for naps and to Craig's to visit and have a bite for supper. We got home to Parkersburg about 10. Denny and Phillip had put together the bunk bed, hitched up the canoe trailer, played with Evan alot and looked at the broken dryer. Nice day.

Fri Oct 9

10/09/09 Well, Mark has a lot of rearranging in the B&G barn to do. He had scattered the sows we weaned thru out the building. Now they have to be moved together. It will be a huge weekend for him...BUT I GET TO go see my grandkids... so, Mark, take good care of my mommas.... I'm off. Denny got off work about 6:20 and we headed to Parkersburg... with the pickup to deliver the top bunk bed... and pull home the canoe trailer with 6 canoes on Sunday. We are storing them here for the winter. So if you want to canoe, just see us.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thur Oct 8 12525

10/08/09 Happy birthday Becky!!! and Keith!!! Hope you both had a great day. I went for coffee with Howard and Anabel after Denny left for work. Neil, Mark and I worked at the unit until about 3. Two rooms left to move sows into. Denny got home about 5:45 and we got a call from Curt about 5:50...wondering if we wanted to go ahead and breed these sows that we weaned on yesterday. Go figure... He wanted to know tonight. Whatever. Ya sure. We'll breed them. What have we got to lose?? Mark said he would breed, so we said Sure...okay. Never a dull moment. If we didn't know ultimately that God holds our future it would really be tough.

Wed. Oct 7

10/07/09 Up to the unit by 5:45 and I was the last one to get there. Sold 1161 pigs that weighed 13.88#. We sprayed another 3 rooms. I left about 4:30 to go to IG top get some heat lamps and replacements parts. I also picked up subway sandwiches for lunch for the 3 of us tomorrow. I fixed pork roast and potatoes for today. Guess whose birthday is tomorrow?

Tues, Oct 6 12495

10/06/09 We sprayed out 2 rooms today and weaned the pigs to room 5. I don't know what is with this picture. The one on the right keeps moving with the typing. Which of these 5 cousins is in France? It sure is nice to read her blog on Matt's blog. I got home around 4 and then found out Curt wanted the maternal gilts ear up I went to the unit until time for Ramsey. Pretty tired.

Mon Oct 5

10/05/09 Lets see I'm a couple days behind. I was up to the unit by 7:30. We
gave shots to the 1200 pigs with Neil and Mark. I fixed zuppa toscana for supper (or how ever you spell it. Denny really likes this soup recipe that I got from Della.) and got a fire going in the chicken coop. So when Denny came home we ate out there. The Bible study gals came at 6:30. Table full...Lynn S, Elizabeth, Emily, Danielle, Reean Renae, Ba ba, Stacy, Steph, Sarah, Me. Of course I got a phone call this afternoon from the HS principal wanting me to sub on Thur and Friday...can't...I'm doing pigs this week. Why didn't he call last week?? How cute is this picture!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sun Oct 4 12445

10/04/09 I went to prayer time before SS. It was funny... I prayed for those who were getting ready to go to church to have an easy job, feeding the family, finding the shoes, finding the car keys, etc. During the church service I was in the nursery with Michelle and Dakota P. I commented on D's shoes. Her mom said that those shoes were what they could find at 9 this am and they worked just OK. I said I had prayed for them finding their shoes this am. :) We had 6 in 3 more during the service who came in with their 2 grandmas. Pastor revealed during the sermon that he would like the church to join all EF churches praying in Ames on the 31st. After lunch and naps Denny is changing oil on the car. Then we plan to go see Anabel for a while. She has not been feeling good since Thurs. but hopes lieing low today will help. The doctor said it was probably related to the radiation in her abdomen. We took mashed potatoes, maidrites and flowers and visited until prayer time tonight. Linda had come, visited. cleaned and fixed rice pudding today for them. We worked on Ramsey after church tonight. Denny's spread sheet works great to see what we spent last year in each of the categories.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sat Oct 3

10/03/09 Up early I picked up Sarah W. about 6:15 after I had fed the sows. We left for Johnston about 7 am with Denny for an Awana area conference. I imagine there were about 125-150 leaders there. There was a lot of good information and encouragement given. We got home about 7 pm. It was a long day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fri Oct 2 12380

10/02/09 I'm also showing you the backs of 2 buildings that I used the bobcat to remove stuff from behind...The west sides are empty. YEA! The one building on the right had heavy gates that I drug across the road. The ground hogs will have unhampered access to entries in that direction. Believe me... stuff along the buildings DID NOT STOP them from taking up residence. Too bad lead poisoning from Denny reduced their number. Sunday night Denny also had a run in with an opossum... literally. :) It was a cold rainy day today so it seemed right to start a fire in the coop. When Denny got home at 6:45 we had cowboy caviar and spinach/artichoke dip while we visited in the toasty warm coop. Then I heated quesidias with fajita seasoned loose meat for supper on the wood burning stove out there. So nice and relaxing. This am I sent letters to close a couple of credit card accounts this (for Dave Ramsey) and worked on staining the bed head boards in the garage. At 2 o'clock I also spent 15 minutes talking to Evan on the phone so he wouldn't fall sleep on the car ride home before his nap. Hello to Susan out in Oregon. Have a great visit!! I'll tell you what I told my sisters...bring me some thing. :) I really don't care. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thur Oct 1

10/01/09 It probably is only of notice to me...but I am so glad that I took the Bobcat and moved stuff from the grove to across the road. I have no life. This was important to me. I feel better after doing it. Notice no white pails or clothes line poles in picture on the right. Now about today. We got up and cleaned the house, then Denny looked for his bank keys. Not good to lose, but he found them. After feeding at the unit I went to Sioux City to make home school visits to 6 students. I also weighed in for WW, returned things to Menards, ate bagels at Panera, met one family at the library, got home-made grape jelly from another family, and walked thru 4 thrift stores and 3 other stores. Back in Ida Grove I got paid for my flowers at PH, took a feed sample to GH ag, filled a pizza punch card at Pronto, ordered pizza there, took a rug to the Laundromat and started washing it in a commercial washer, took items to return to Malcoms, got groceries, picked up the pizza, went to the Laundromat to find a soaking wet rug in a commercial washer that had leaked out soapy water all over the floor and stopped working, drug the wet rug out to the car... and headed home...not quite yet... I had to feed my sows, then hang the rug out on the clothes line to dry. Hurrah!! when Denny came home at 6:45 and we could tell each other about our day. (Denny said no wonder the London psychics are on my feed jits.)