Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sat Oct 24

10/24/09 You know you have no life when one of the high lights of your day is car washing. Especially when your husband LOVES the product and says that it makes my car 2 degrees lighter and shinier. Hurray for "Power Clean"...and the help Denny gave me washing the Malibu. He used it on the Intrepid just under the horizontal bar on the car side...Can you tell that part of the car is cleaner?? Today Denny finished getting all the Awana clubber names entered in the computer. I went to an auction and bought an oak commode/small table. (I don't know what it is called.) I have been thinking that I would like one. It was Jack and Jill's auction at the fair grounds. They are going to Florida in winter, a house on Spirit Lake in summer and an apartment in Omaha where children Justin and Jenny live the other times of the year. Their house in IG sold (without being listed) in 3 days. We got LP tanks so we could have that marinated steak for supper. After coming back from IG we also took the chain saw and got a Bobcat bucket full of fire wood. Good Day!! Lots done!!

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