Monday, October 19, 2009

Mon Oct 19 12725

10/19/09 I went to the unit early so I could go substitute in IG for Pre/Med. I remember last year when I substituted in that class I was impressed that OA would have that many students interested in the health field that they could offer a Pre/Med class...until I discovered that it stood for Presentation and Media. The kids were working on Power points today. Then I was in 2 classes of PE where they walked around the track. Wonderful weather. Great to be out. I got home and dug up a few dahlia plants and planted a few daffodils. Neil came at 1 and we processed baby pigs until 5. Then out to plants a few more bulbs that I got on sale at Food Pride. Steph, Stacy, Sarah, and me for Bible study. Denny worked on an Awana letter updating leaders who weren't at the Awana meeting Sat. night.

1 comment:

  1. too bad we can't claim that outfit as a garage sale find for the day! seriously look at those short shorts and sweet tube top?!?!? really?
    actually, it also probably came from a garage sale but picked out by my mom!!! : )
    thanks for posting all the fun pictures!!!!
