Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fri Oct 23 12785

10/23/09 Denny and I went for coffee at the folks before he went to work. They got a new dishwasher this week and Hemers installed it on Wed. We might take the old one (which works, but the front panel is off and it looks bad) and put it in the basement kitchen. Mark had Neil come in and finish spraying the gilt room. He told Neil his back hurt. I had a hair cut at 12:45. Then I went to see what would be sold at the auction tomorrow at the fair grounds. When I got home, (it took a while, but) I did get my checking account downloaded and reconciled with the bank. I was going to grill a little steak for supper, but the lp tank was empty so we had fried hamburgers, squash and cabbage salad (with frozen cookie dough for dessert). We visited with Matt a little on the phone. He had just gotten home from Chicago (work) and was going to Oklahoma til Sunday (church). Wasn't he a cute 6 year old!! Now his daughter is almost 6. Hope he is having as much fun as we did raising kids.

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