10/04/09 I went to prayer time before SS. It was funny... I prayed for those who were getting ready to go to church to have an easy job, feeding the family, finding the shoes, finding the car keys, etc. During the church service I was in the nursery with Michelle and Dakota P. I commented on D's shoes. Her mom said that those shoes were what they could find at 9 this am and they worked just OK. I said I had prayed for them finding their shoes this am. :) We had 6 in nursery...plus 3 more during the service who came in with their 2 grandmas. Pastor revealed during the sermon that he would like the church to join all EF churches praying in Ames on the 31st. After lunch and naps Denny is changing oil on the car. Then we plan to go see Anabel for a while. She has not been feeling good since Thurs. but hopes lieing low today will help. The doctor said it was probably related to the radiation in her abdomen. We took mashed potatoes, maidrites and flowers and visited until prayer time tonight. Linda had come, visited. cleaned and fixed rice pudding today for them. We worked on Ramsey after church tonight. Denny's spread sheet works great to see what we spent last year in each of the categories.
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