Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tues day Feb. 22

I hate it when my pictures don't get posted on this site. I don't know what I can do about it. It seems like I have to wait until the stars align. Anyway no pictures yet. ( March 13 up date... The picture is of our new ceiling fan in the laundry room. See the nice fan blades? The plastic ties really work well to keep the fan hanging in the rafters. I'm happy with it. At least the fan is not blowing on me when I am sitting . :) Coffee at folks. I worked after school until 6:15, then Denny called me. He had a hair cut in IG then went back to the bank to work. At home we changed clothes then headed out to the coop. I tryed again...still no pictures are being posted on the site. BLAH!! Nice wisit with Denny in the coop. It seems like ages since we've talked.

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