Two hour late start. Denny and I took the pickup to Arthur and then I drove to school. First vehicle in the parking lot. Vicki came pretty soon after I got there. Then about 9 there was a call for staff to come to the office ... yes, school was canceled for the day. I worked at school until 10:30 then drove to Arthur and Denny brought me home. From 11 to 4 I worked on Morningside 532. (I did take a hour for Little House with little kids.) Luke called about four and we talked for over an hour. Good to hear from him. He was sent home from work because of the weather and work was cancelled for Wed. That has never happened since he has worked there. I was encouraged when Luke said the first year he worked at AO he felt like he was walking in a fog. That's exactly the way I feel. Sometimes when I am driving home ... or to school it just seems like a fog surrounds me. It's amazing the way God works.
Mary Jo's Caring Bridge blessing was: May the God of the universe show you compassion today. May his mercy extend towards you and give you peace. May you know our eternal destiny is far from trouble and suffering. May you praise him even when you don't see the answers that you want. May you bless His unfailing nature and character, as He sees the big picture and we, just a dim and FOGGY blur. God bless you. God speaks to us in many different ways. The skiing picture was taken Friday. Luke hurt his ribs that day and didn't ski Saturday. Both Denny adn I used the bike - 20 min me- 30 min Denny. Denny has done lots of LPS's this week already.
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