Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday July 9

Oh, the month is flying by. Up and washed dishes, Folks picked me up at 7:15. Howard had a foot appointment in SC at 9. I drove them. He was done at 9:45. We drove to the cancer center. Anabel was scheduled in to read her cat scan at 11. Well, her doctor called in sick. They called a doctor to fill in who was on his way to the office in Storm Lake. He turned around and came to SC. At least two patients from Storm Lake came to SC so he could administer the chemo to them. Then there were a couple patients who came in needing immediate care. I think he was the only doctor there. When we got to meet with him (finally 7 hours later) he seemed like a very good doctor. But he didn't really tell us anything. Anabel had already heard that the cancer in her liver was bigger, which was bad. The bone cancer in her hips had not changed very much, which was good. He examined her and asked if we had the time to get a chest x ray too. Of course, we had the time. He asked Anabel if she wanted to continue with the chemo treatments. She said yes. He explained two different possible treatments. Worst case side effects and usual side effects. He said he could not make the decision, but would meet with her doctor and they would discuss and let her know what the treatment would be. Treatments would start next week. Long day, no real information. Everyone was tired. We got home about 7. Denny went to a motorcycle ride to Arcadia.

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