Watched neighbor grands while Missy went to walk/jog with Kathi J. Coffee at folks. I called the hospital and asked if they needed some flowers for the lunch area. It was okay and so I picked about 20 yellow lily stems and greenery. I watched Brooks while Missy and two healthy went to see great grandma and pa. At 11, I started on making a chart with IEP info for each of the students I had. Got done about 2 and took flowers into town. Stopped at Bomgaars and got fly spray. Stopped at Jodi L. to talk about tri tank. Stopped At Luft's office to ask about bill. They called and faxed them our insurance cards. Then I asked about the bone density scan that the hospital said they were faxing to their office. Dr. Luft looked at both of them and said my right hip had improved, but the left had stayed the same. Continue taking calcium 1200-1500 per day. Have a bone density done yearly to see if there is change. I have early stage of osteoporosis (peinity) so insurance should cover it. Good to get those two things checked on. I used the $ from the hospital flowers to get flowers 75% off at Pamida. 19 little plants of asparagus. :) I went to Elizabeth's and asked to borrow a bike. YES! Then rode twice around the trail (about 7 miles, no I map my run today. Then I ran 1.21 miles (map run) and swam 20 laps. (Matt informed me that is not a triple "stack"... it is called a "brick" workout when you do two activities in a row. I didn't know...just in bliss with my ignorance. I guess that today I stacked three bricks by doing biking, running, and swimming.) At home Denny was working on fixing my tire. Phillip had stopped at Denison Wal-mart and gotten two tires and one tube. The pictures are of Phillip putting hog panels on roof of eagle's nest. What a guy! Missy had said how the vines were invading the room in the nest. I had a brainstorm (or maybe just a storm). The vines can't invade the canvas roof, but perhaps a hog panel would give them a space and support on which to grow. Of course my "pie in the sky" vision is the roof and awning being covered with lavender wisteria blooms next spring. I'm not holding my breath ... you don't need to hold your breath either.
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