Monday, December 31, 2012

Another nice day in the Valley... but I'm leaving

I golfed with Bruce, Gail, and Keith at Brownsville Golf Center. I shot a 46; which is good for me. Then to the pharmacy to get cold medicine. We took Keith to the airport about 10 and I got my boarding ticket. I took a nap when we got home... and some cold medicine. I read out on the dock. Gail joined me and we finished one a day. Then we just chilled around the trailer. About 2 we went to get the DVD Princess bride at Best Buy. It took us 15 min to drive there, 20 minutes to wait in line, and 15 minutes to drive home. Ice cream sandaes as we watched the DVD. I got to the airport about 5 to find out the plane will be late. Lord, you are in control. May I get home safely. Pictures of golfing in the am. I got to Dallas after my plane for Omaha had left and so they put me up in the Dallas Hilton. ... on New year's night ... pretty swanky. I think we got such a nice place because the people I was standing with weren't complaining. And there were plenty of people on the flight that were vocally not happy. One girl especially was a drama queen when we went to take Keith to the airport at 11 ... At that time she was sitting on the floor by the check in counter sobbing uncontrollably. When I came at 5 she had misplaced her ID and was sobbing uncontrollably. When we had to get off the plane at 7 o'clock in Brownsville after we had boarded at 6:45 ... You guessed it ... she was sobbing uncontrollably. NO actually she was saying "I don't know if I can take any thing more." DRAMA!!!
.... Praise the Lord!!! ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... Thank you Jesus for all you have given me. It has quite a year 2012. Luke and Karen were married at South Padre Island.Denny had major ankle surgery. Both of Denny's folks died. Mandy lived at the country condo for 9 months. Thank you, Jesus, for all you have blessed us with this year and all our lives. May we live lives that point others to you.
.........Car mileage  Prius ... 167,523   Jeep...116,970  Pick up...125,590  Harley...48,934

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Golfing with brothers and Maynard

We left for golfing at Valley International Country Club. It was cold. I wrapped up in the quilt that was in the back of Nancy's car. I didn't play very well 52 and 57, but it was fun to play. Bruce and Maynard left for home after we played. Keith and I got a Subway sandwich. Then we went to 77 Flea Market. We walked a lot and bought nothing. Lots of junk to look at. Nap at home, then to the show Les Miserables. It was really good. I called Denny, There was not Johnson sibling phone call tonight. We played Ticket and then went to the hot tub. Great day in the Valley. Pictures of me golfing with Newhouse boys and my sisters visiting with some of the 27 people that were in the trailer.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Full Saturday

Tough decision ... to golf or not to golf, when it is only 45 degrees. Gail and I didn't golf. The Newhouse boys did golf. We cleaned, fixed fruit, went to Walmart to get fixings for cinnamon rolls, with meat, (without cinnamon). Then at 11 Gail and I went to Ropa. I got a pair of purple jeans... purple ???? and a long jacket. And $60 worth of stocking, Awana stuffers. Came home and ate lunch, napper, sat on dock with family, went to hot tub with Gail, showered, and then 27 people came from 7-10 to an early new years party. Very nice time. Twenty seven is a lot of people to fit into our trailer. It was fun. I just sat in the corner and watched. Newhouse boys played cards. I think Texas rummy.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday ... Already... Bummer

Breakfast at about 7:30. Left for golf at 8. Played first round with Bruce, Keith & Maynard N. I shot at 47, They shot 44,42 and 35. Next round I played with Gail, Lila and Bruce H. I shot a 53. They shot better. Gail and I went to the mall. We first went to Sears where they had a carry on luggage with 4 wheels, and extender zipper, and a double extending pull handle. Then to Penneys... Then to Dillards, Then to Beals Finally back to Sears to the first luggage we looked at. The mall stores were very far apart. Lots of walking. After naps we had Mary Gene over to visit. Then I walked to Gloria's and visited. Guys came home and Bruce grilled, plus potato salad, coleslaw and vegetable salad. We ate out on the deck. Kinda chilly, but better than Iowa. Pictures from golfing, etc.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another great day in the Valley

Newhouse guys left about 7 for golfing. Bruce went to the gym. Nancy went beading. Gail and I walked, then I stopped at Gloria's for coffee. Then Yoga, Then Line dancing, Then salad lunch at the trailer, Then naps, Then goodwill store, Then to Port Isabel, Then to South Padre Island, Then to beach walking, Then to Joe's Oyster Shack, Then home and we played cards. Another great day in the Valley. SMILE Pictures are from beach at SPI and our supper at Joe's. The grilled fish was wonderful.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Shop and Progresso

Why would I stay up until one and watch TV?? Just because I could. Bruce fixed eggs for breakfast. They left about 8 for golf, and girls shopped in am and then to Progresso. We got japonies, vanilla, and coffee drink. Gail and Nancy got pretty glasses. Well, we left Arturo's and it took us two hours to cross the bridge and get checked into USA. Chicken and potato salad for supper. Keith's airplane got here about 7. We played Wit and Wager, then Rummy, Then to the hot tub. Another great day in the Valley!!! Pictures from Progresso Mexico. We stopped twice to rest/eat. We ordered fried Mexican ice cream for dessert at Arturos.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Still at DFW airport ... no I finally get to Brownsville

Woke up about 5, watched TV in bed, shower, breakfast of sausage, eggs, muffin and apple juice. Now it's 7:45 and I'm at the airport, all checked in, but 9:45 flight to Bville is now at 10:15...perhaps... It will be leaving gate B17 where I am now ... perhaps ... check later for sure. Ahh the joys of air travel. So thankful for the many times I have flown with out too many hiccups. 8:24 ... The flight will now be leaving from B12 ... advice from guy at desk ... Just stay put because with this weather/rainy @ 27* ... (snow, as it gets colder...) the departure gates will change ... so I am to ask him again at 9:45. Til then... Update at 9. Flight now leaving from B10. 9:15. Thunder and lighting Oh yes ... Andy the nice airport guy. Just informed me that when it lightnings planes are not allowed to land or take off. If my plane has not landed ... It will fly back to where it came from. Update.... Yes, my plane has landed waiting for lightning to stop plane can exit holding area and come to a ramp because as of now they are closed down. May as well laugh and go back to the mediocre net flicks that is filling many time as I sit on a wheel chair ... next to a plug in ... charging my phone and computer ... So much to write about 10:19.... On plane. Eta???? 11:45 ??? I landed in Brownsville at 12:15 Yea!!! Gail and Nancy picked me up and off to Christmas dinner at 4 Seasons. Then home for naps and to sit on the dock and to shuffle board and back for supper and playing games. Wit and Wager and Ticket to Ride and to hot tub. At the trailer I watched Hallmark Channel until 1, then to bed. Great day in the Valley. Pictures are from Texas.

Monday, December 24, 2012

brnvl .... someday .... maybe...

I got up about 5:30, finished packing, and headed to Omaha at 7:30. Got to the airport just fine. and loaded on plane... now something's is wrong with the strut. They are flying in a replacement strut, so off the plane we go. Nice visit in airport with a mom headed to Columbia (THE COUNTRY), with a 1 1/2 year old and a three year old. She appreciated the help with Mia. Pretty little mom and girls. Pretty brave mom with 2 little girls. It is 4:03 and I am once again on Flight 1023 headed to Dallas/Fort Worth. Hopefully, the strut that was injured at 11 is now being fixed with the part that they flew in and we can now head south. It was a great 6 hours in Omaha airport. I didn't have anything to take pictures of, and I will not get to BRNVL tonight, but I have the first flight out at 9:45 and should arrive about 11:15 Tuesday morning. Found out they replace the one strut and it leaked with the new one on. BUT they did bring along a new shimmy damptner. It needs replacing...and the pilot just posted that the service guy has never changed one, before. Now that's reassuring. The pilot said that it didn't look too complicated to him, but he said he was not a service guy. Good thing the Lord knows it all. Update at 4:23. Mechanics went back to shop to get tools that they need. Estimated time of departure... no idea. 4:37 As I look out the window ... it doesn't look promising. But the pilot just came on the speaker and said the part shouldn't take very long and we'll be on our way to Dallas. There were a few claps, the rest of us felt, I'll believe that when we land. We made it to DFW airport and I tagged along with a kind couple to the shuttle we needed to get to the motel we had a voucher with. Wittes from 5 hours from Omaha headed to Jachsonville Florida to see their 3 kids. Spent the night watching hgtv and texting Denny and kids. Pictures are from the Windom hotel I stayed at in Dallas and Matt and Becky opening presents on December 22.
nd kids.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Molly spoke in SS

Kids up at 7. Haley watched Wonderful Life as Missy, Mandy, and Becky did Extreme Workout in TV room. I took Grands into hear Molly's talk on the mission trip she went on. Pet monkey that bit her and taking a shower with 32 ounces of rain water and washing clothes in a river with a brush and bar of soap. Pretty interesting. I ordered stuffed crusts and got them. We had our picture taken after church. Everybody likes stuffed crusts YUM!! Naps and kids left. Denny napped too and at 5 went headed to Kingsley for Jenny's birthday party. Her birthday was the end of November. Her kids surprised her. Very nice get together. At home I cleaned a little and packed and washed clothes.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's Christmas for us!

Grands could not get up until 7. The others could not sleep after 7 when the Grands got up. Cereal and coffee. G'pa read Luke 2 and asked grands questions. Then stockings and opening presents. Nicole C.'s grandfather came and picked her up to take her back to Waterloo area. We went sledding in the afternoon. Pictures

Friday, December 21, 2012

Kids are home :)

End of semester... Kids are all home safely. It doesn't get any better than this...Thank you Jesus.
The day at school was full because we lhad all semester tests today instead of half on Thursday. I gave gifts to RR ladies we had pizza and Ron Clark. For ind living and cherry dessert and Clark for careers. J worked in office. After school started to look at what we are teaching next semester. Matt and Becky were there when I got home,he was cutting up meats and cheeses and the two little guys were like baby birds with their mouths open, just waiting for a morsel from Matt. Bigger kids were busy playing games like chutes and ladders. Kids were up when Mandy, Nicole, and Jason got home,but not when Karen and Luke drove up. Torren asked if we could sing songs around the Christmas tree. It was really nice.