Friday, December 14, 2012

It's a Friday

Got to bed later than usual, but we had a great visit with Lisa N. I got three breakfast pizzas at Cenex for staff 8 am meeting. One English student was gone again ---making 3 days absent this week. Another runner was absent, making 2 days here this week. Another student was gone with wisdom tooth issues, 4 1/2 days this week absent. Uffta!! These are kids who need to be in school. After school I went to the bowling meet. Pretty fun to watch the kids bowl. I talked to Galen to see if any one needed at Thursday night bowler. Just checking. At home Denny started to make Zuppa for December 22. I baked some cookies for Awana plate of cookies for 3-6th grade girls. About 9:30 we visited with multigenerational family up in the sun room. So nice. Pictures of the wedding reception. First of all Grandma Gail and Amelia then... How many receptions have a live beaver... or fish ... or turtle ... or snake and a stairway for bride and groom to come down?

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