Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Still at DFW airport ... no I finally get to Brownsville

Woke up about 5, watched TV in bed, shower, breakfast of sausage, eggs, muffin and apple juice. Now it's 7:45 and I'm at the airport, all checked in, but 9:45 flight to Bville is now at 10:15...perhaps... It will be leaving gate B17 where I am now ... perhaps ... check later for sure. Ahh the joys of air travel. So thankful for the many times I have flown with out too many hiccups. 8:24 ... The flight will now be leaving from B12 ... advice from guy at desk ... Just stay put because with this weather/rainy @ 27* ... (snow, as it gets colder...) the departure gates will change ... so I am to ask him again at 9:45. Til then... Update at 9. Flight now leaving from B10. 9:15. Thunder and lighting Oh yes ... Andy the nice airport guy. Just informed me that when it lightnings planes are not allowed to land or take off. If my plane has not landed ... It will fly back to where it came from. Update.... Yes, my plane has landed ....now waiting for lightning to stop ...so plane can exit holding area and come to a ramp because as of now they are closed down. May as well laugh and go back to the mediocre net flicks that is filling many time as I sit on a wheel chair ... next to a plug in ... charging my phone and computer ... So much to write about 10:19.... On plane. Eta???? 11:45 ??? I landed in Brownsville at 12:15 Yea!!! Gail and Nancy picked me up and off to Christmas dinner at 4 Seasons. Then home for naps and to sit on the dock and to shuffle board and back for supper and playing games. Wit and Wager and Ticket to Ride and to hot tub. At the trailer I watched Hallmark Channel until 1, then to bed. Great day in the Valley. Pictures are from Texas.

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