Friday, December 21, 2012

Kids are home :)

End of semester... Kids are all home safely. It doesn't get any better than this...Thank you Jesus.
The day at school was full because we lhad all semester tests today instead of half on Thursday. I gave gifts to RR ladies we had pizza and Ron Clark. For ind living and cherry dessert and Clark for careers. J worked in office. After school started to look at what we are teaching next semester. Matt and Becky were there when I got home,he was cutting up meats and cheeses and the two little guys were like baby birds with their mouths open, just waiting for a morsel from Matt. Bigger kids were busy playing games like chutes and ladders. Kids were up when Mandy, Nicole, and Jason got home,but not when Karen and Luke drove up. Torren asked if we could sing songs around the Christmas tree. It was really nice.

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