Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow ... No school today

I am just wondering what I will get done at home. Really wish we would have had school. Now we add a day on to the end of the year. Looking forward to kids being home. Lord, let them arrive safely. I cleaned a little, cooked a little, walked around the farm. Saw pigs east of the road and went to the unit. Dan still has a few pigs up at the unit. Went to Dad's, Went to town and got groceries. Waited for Denny to come home. He is working on a project that is due tomorrow. Biggest thing I did was get the paper work mailed in so my teaching license can have the special Ed. endorsement. Pictures are of Kane... what a cutie! Missy has a friend that tried the elf thing... I saw this and thought of Danielle.

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