Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wrote Christmas letter

I should have gone to bed earlier... 'cuz I still woke up at the same time. Uffta. Pretty sad morning watching the news of Newtown. It breaks my heart. Then trying to write about our life and loss this year. I wanted to put pictures of the folks in the letter, but I had to look through a lot of pictures... and it was sad to realize our loss, and the terrible loss of Newtown. I spent a lot of time with tears. So sad. I made 3 pans of cinnamon rolls and straighten out the cupboard. I started to print out letters. The printer stopped working. I left at 4 to join Kara making cookie boxes for Awana girls 3-6 grades. Jana joined us and we each took a different town to deliver the boxes to the girls. Missy (Jehse) made chicken fajitas for supper. YUM!! Denny cleaned the kitchen area. We chilled out in the coop for a while. Pictures of family in Dubuque.
mily in Dubuque.

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