Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday :)

Staff meeting at 8. I got signed u for Promethean board...whatever that is... But have not got a confirming email yet. YUCK Still work to do to get confirmed. Well, my first hour student left class. I tried to block the door... not really suppose to have to do that in HS. The runner student left after 3rd hour. Ind. Liv student got the food processor to work and shredded carrots for Monday's food lab. After school I headed out for Dose garage sale, then to bowling meet, then to rec center to bike 10 miles, then to Pizza hut and finally home. YEA!! We had pizza out in the sun room with the neighbors. I made white sauce to dip crusts in. Nice to relax and visit. First picture is of my teaching certificate. Yeah!!! I am certified. There are no more classes I have to take. Nathan P. has been staying at Jensens while Gabe is having surgery at Mayo. Every night he opens a present from his folks. Pretty cool.

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