Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Professional Development ... real world

I opened the school door for Mr. U. As we walked down the hall I asked him if he knew Melissa J. was my daughter. He said "No." and said she was doing a very good job. Profess. Dev went from 8 - 12. I went to sessions on Ipad, Promentian Board, Google docs and computer importance. For lunch I gave Kim M. a ride to Family Table and had a Reuben sandwich. . Back to school to work on who teaches what, second quarter and first semester grades, and what to teach tomorrow. and what to do with paper work stuff from the classes I taught last semester. I worked on an IEP and met Denny at rec center about 7:30. I ran/walked 3 miles, then we came home. Missy had bought groceries and made a meal for about 10 families. Pictures are from December wedding. Father of the Bride, Keith was having a very good time.

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